Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Enough is Enough

I don't know about you, but reading the news lately just makes me keep thinking, 'Enough is enough!'

While banks are getting billion dollar bailouts and their failed CEOs are rewarded with millions in pay and bonuses, the rest of us out here are facing job losses, unaffordable health care, and uncertainties about whether or not we can pay for college.

We have to do something about it!

I know it's last minute, but we wanted to invite you to join us tomorrow, March 19, 2009, when thousands of people in cities nationwide will hold demonstrations at the offices of major banks to demand the real change that's needed to end an era of corporate excess and rebuild an economy that works for everyone. Visit our partners at to find an action in your city. Events are scheduled in nearly 100 cities, from Wall Street in New York to Main Street in cities and towns throughout the country.

Let us know how it goes in the comments section. If you have any pictures or video, please send them our way by e-mailing

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

what does the "Rock the Vote" campaign have to do with this issue?

why is MTV using the "register to vote" campaign as a means to attack wall street?

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? The organizations that support this action are the same idiots that help elect the current administration and congress. The problem is congress. They need to go. All of them! Don't waste your time and energy on this pointless demonstration.

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are the moron's that voted this man into the Presidency. Why is all the attention on the AIG Bonus money? It's the same as size as the MILLIONS of dollars of PORK that Congress has approved at the same time. They are using this as a decoy. I'm sorry ... But I just assumed that the American people are not as stupid as the Democrats think them to be. I guess I was wrong.

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My question is this, if we have to do something - WHAT is it we do? What will demonstrating outside major bank offices with no alternative plan or purpose other than "to demand the real change that's needed to end an era of corporate excess and rebuild an economy that works for everyone"? What is the "real change"? Was there ever an economy that worked for everyone to rebuild? Does anyone have a pragmatic alternative which isn't simply a rhetorical means of throwing a tantrum to let the parents know the children are not happy? MTV is owned by Paramount/Viacom. Viacom recently cut 7% of its work force, do you think any of those now jobless are the executives who are being accused of the corporate excess? Should the good people of MTV maybe start a little closer to home? Mr. Dauman, the chief executive, and Thomas E. Dooley, the chief financial officer, are among the more than 1,000 senior managers who will not receive a salary increase in 2009. But they could still receive a bonus, which has been a larger part of their compensation. In 2007, Mr. Dauman received a salary of $2 million, which was raised to $2.5 million this year. His bonus last year was $7 million, and his target bonus for 2008, according to a regulatory filing, is $9.5 million.
~Thanks, Joe

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really? Rock the vote wants to do something about President Obama? and How he's messing up our economy even more than it was when he started?
You guys are a little late in the game. You are the ones who helped get him elected!!!! YOU ARE ALSO TO BLAME IN MY EYES!!

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in total agreement with Justin. The Free market System would be fine if the yahoos in Washington would butt out. But the idiots that voted for this democratic party congress, senate, and administration are the ones to blame. People voting for change and history and not getting the facts about the people they were voting for... that is the shame. Nothing more sad to me than an ignorant voter. I couldn't believe how many people out there voted because of history making and change. This man we have as president doesn't have any experience and is a puppet for the leftist groups that want to ruin this country... Well, lets see how the democrats that pay on mortgages like it when they can't use that big interest payment as a tax exemption, and our taxes go through the roof in the next few years. It won't be much longer and we will all be working to get a government allowance to live on and they will decide what you can spend your money on. Health care is already heading down that path. If we need to demonstrate, lets demonstrate in front of our gov't institutions and demand the jobs of some of these power hungry congressmen and senators. Then that may get Lord Obama's attention.

4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you want to protest something protest against congress - they need to go - anyone that has been there more than 2 years - out! Congress will get a 17% raise this year- let's protest that. Obama is taking away tax deductions on homes and charity - raising my taxes - let's protest that. I have worked my A off to get where I am at - I'm not making millions but I'm trying to. Don't you dare take away what I have worked hard for....

4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




5:00 PM  
Blogger Rod Trent said...

Get real! The action should be to march on Washington and possibly march on the offices of "Rock the Vote". 50 days in office and already the gov't spending is twice that of the Bush administration's 8 years. Either you folks are not being truthful (like the current administration) or you are just the same clueless folks the current administration counted on to get into office, and to continue lying to the public. The AIG bonuses were provided for in the contract signed by the current administration.

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The election is over. Now it's time to keep involved and take actions on the things that were the reason we voted in the first place, right?

So seems to me like Rock the Vote sending out info on this issue - and others - is the sensible next step and really helpful for all the people who read the blog or get their emails.

Yes, a lot of young people voted for Obama, and elected the people in Congress right now - but that doesn't mean we don't need to keep active to hold them accountable and make sure they know we think this AIG thing is a bunch of crap.

I think it's great RTV's taking on the big issues.

5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rock the Vote sent me an email not so long ago imploring me to support the bailouts. Now it is switching its tone because they didn't work.
The source of the problem, which could and should have been acknowledged BEFORE promoting the "bailouts", is an economy that is distorted by the Federal Reserve Bank's manipulation of a fiat currency that is forced upon us.
If you want to see true change, then start by supporting the removal of the Federal Reserve. Take a look at Austrian economics and you will see how this country could change for the better.
It's funny to me that ROCK the Vote is intended to appeal to those who ROCK the system. Yet it sends emails encouraging MORE of the system, less freedom and blind support for a "bailout" that ultimately steals from the poor (taxpayer) and gives to the rich (a.k.a. CEOs etc. who are able to work the system because they own it!).
"Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else." Claude Frédéric Bastiat

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like everyone needs to take the crash course:

Obama or no Obama - Republican or Democrat - AIG's bonuses are obsurd - people should speak their mind.

5:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thank God! We still have our guns! Imagine what the fat cats would do if we were disarmed. Every CEO must realize that we are an armed populace and just makes me think of the movie "Grosse Pointe Blank" I wonder if there has already been contracts put out on these assholes.

5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're being duped once more... It's not about corporate greed as much as it's about Congressional incompetence. As you've probably already heard, members of the White House and Congress pulled a clause out of the stimulus bill that would have prevented those AIG bonuses from being paid. And now, in an effort to distract us, they are building the case against big business...
We elect these fools and then wonder why in the hell everything is going so badly. "We get what we vote for"....and all we'll have left is a little change and no hope.

5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a case against Wells Fargo in Montgomery County and the Judge
sided with the Bank the courts are fix the Distric Attorney's offices are fixed the whole system is corrupt. If the President doesn't
do something against the Banks we will never get out of this mess.
Let AIG go bunch of crooks.

5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DId you really expect Obama to "fix" the economy by handing out our tax dollars? Yes, let's all "spread the wealth." What a genius idea.

What about the fact that Obama is throwing parties in the White House every Wednesday night?

Thank you Democrats, for voting him in. You only have yourselves to blame.

5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

... and what does the deceptively named "Employee Free Choice Act" have to do with the bailouts Rock the Vote is demonstrating against? Nothing, but it is another Democrat agenda item and exposes Rock the Vote as a shill for the Democratic Party which is beholden to Big Unions. If the "Employee Free Choice Act" passes people will lose their right to a secret ballot on unionization at work and will have Union thugs showing up at their home after work to strong arm them into signing a card that will give their vote to the Unions. These are the same Union parasites that are the responsible for the ill-health of our auto industry is currently in. Do we want to give them a chance to bankrupt other industries?

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why didn't anyone listen to Dr. Ron Paul before we got ourselves in this mess? He has been right on all of the time. The media agenda is not the American agenda and the coverups have been on a nightly basis. Americans really don't have the big picture.

There are powers operating in this country that are holding the reins behind the scenes. I say get rid of the Federal Reserve, do away with the income tax and establish a gold standard, get rid of the war we are involved in and work at home to improve the condition of our own people.

6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't we all be tired of blaming Democrats or Republicans already?!? Isn't that a way just separating the human race even further? Why don't we stop pointing fingers and work TOGETHER to stand up for what's right!!!

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

take all your money out of your banks, except for $1.00 for the day. Keep it where it's safe, and not wasted away...under your mattress. We'll all sleep better for at least ONE NOGHT!

7:35 PM  
Blogger La captura de Atahualpa said...


7:44 PM  
Blogger Andrew Deinert said...

Why is MTV's voter registration program choosing a partisan position and supporting the attack of American corporations? The real action should be taken against the administration that you helped elect and the Congress that passed through the biggest socialist movements of our country's history. This is ridiculous and shouldn't even be happening. If anyone reading this is serious about the problems facing our country should visit or

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

think its terrible that a rock the vote campaign is now trying to push its own political and economic agenda on us. this is exactly the type of partisan bullshit that only serves to further divide out country

9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IT'S TIME FOR AMERICA TO GET FIRE UP & THIS IS OUR HOME BUT INSTEAD PEOPLE ARE SLEEPING & THINK IT'S A BIG DAM F*%*KING JOKE & SOME PEOPLE INTO DRAMA PITY & NON-SESNE & OTHER POEPLE ARE GETTING DAM TIRED & TO SEE HOW IS AMERICA IS TREATED & SOME RICH PEOPLE DON'T EVEN care about the middle class & i really must tell AIG is a big Joke & it look like it was a big slap in the dam face & how dare them to take our tax money to have them use as bouns oh no we need to be fire up & save our country or it be too late

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets remeber that Bush got us into this mess. Barack just inherited it.

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk to your boy Obama, as it’s his tax-cheating Treasury secretary that crafted the bail out of Bear Stearns and AIG when he was President of the NY Fed. All that “change” you could believe in was just another line of BS. Hope you are enjoying your new Commander-in-Chief. His actions on the financial crisis so far have mimicked what his predecessor did.

Oh, by the way, maybe you didn’t notice that he (Obama) received the second largest amount of campaign contributions from AIG Financial Products behind Sen. Chris Dodd.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

I weep for your generation. You have been bamboozled by The Powers That Be. They will fleece you without a care. Good luck to all of you.

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Did you see the headlines yesterday about the bailed out Wall Street firm, AIG, that gave $165 million in government funded bonuses to their executives? We need your help getting federal stimulus money where it was intended to go: Into the pockets of people who really need it."

First of all I do not think this spending is any kind of stimulus to change anything. It is more of more of a knee jerk reaction to using a problem to scare people into allowing creation of pet programs that could not meet muster under normal operations. To put it in plain language it is nothing more than a trillion dollars of pork spending and much of it is designed to place the value of the country in Government hands. Heck they are already talking about "owning" AIG. You want to complain about misuse of tax dollars how about the more than $30 billion AIG gave to foreign banks.
When people tried to complain about all the pork in the omnibus bill they were told it is just a tiny sum. Well this $165 million is just that a tiny sum of all the money that has been given to AIG -- less than one tenth of one per cent. Yet the hue and cry makes it sound like it is the entire Treasury of the nation. AIG gave nearly 70% of tax dollars to other companies!! Why is that not worthy of an investigation??????

12:52 PM  

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