Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I demand you come to me!

Eventful.com has come out with a new politics page where you can actually "Demand" that a candidate come to your town. You can check it out here.

So far 5,703 people have 'demanded' that Barack Obama come to their town. Hillary is next at 1,967 and Ron Paul (who?) has 441 demands.... and the list goes on from there.

While these numbers aren't yet staggering, there's a lot of possibility. Just imagine if you and your friends could 'demand' that a politician come to you opposed to wishing that one day they would actually gave a ... what's an PG word? .... hoot..... about young people and show up at your high school or college to convince YOU to vote for THEM. How refreshing would that be? . . . Don't worry folks, soon they'll be pounding on your door to get your attention. . . Just you wait... more too come soon, I promise.

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Blogger alyceclover said...

All over the web I see alarming article's about the degenercy of today's violent youth. This is such a refreshing change of pace. Thank you form an old coot who gives a hoot, for encouraging events in the political field.

6:29 PM  

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