Thursday, April 26, 2007

‘Survivor’ creator to launch political reality-TV show

Check out this article from the Boston Herald Business Reporter from today...

‘Survivor’ creator to launch political reality-TV show by Jesse Noyes

Like the reality show “Survivor,” politics is full of plotting, backstabbing and, well, voting.

It seems appropriate then that “Survivor” creator Mark Burnett is teaming up with MySpace [website] to launch “Independent,” a reality show aimed at finding a new generation of politicians.

The gimmick of “Independent” is that users of the social networking giant MySpace will help elect a politician who best reflects the “voice of young Americans.”
Aspiring politicos will be encouraged to post video applications on MySpace and finalists will appear on the television show out on the campaign trail.

The winner of the show will get a $1 million prize, which either must be given to a political campaign or used to run for office.

The show will likely debut in January 2008, said Jeff Berman, general manager for video at MySpace. “We’ve seen an enormous uptick in the political activity on MySpace,” Berman said. “We’re taking our cues from our community and they’re saying they want more when it comes to politics and when it comes to video.”

Just where “Independent” will land is up in the air.

Since MySpace is owned by News Corp. [NWS], which also owns Fox, it would seem Fox would be the likely choice.

But Burnett is planning to pitch a number of networks.

Recently, MySpace has done more relating to politics. Earlier this year, the site created an “Impact” channel, which features profiles for all the current presidential candidates in 2008.

But young voters aren’t known for turning out in huge numbers at the polls, so will they tune into a show all about politics?

Berman said more young voters are getting involved in recent elections. “We are fully confident that there’s going to be a huge following for this,” he said.


You can read the article here too.

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Blogger Unknown said...

I think that this is a great idea for a reality tv show. I think that it will greatly influence young american's idea of politics and government. In addition, I feel that young americans will become even more interested and involved in politics if this show airs, especially, if it airs before the 2008 Presidential Election. I feel that it could greatly impact the outcome of the election.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Smith said...

This could be a huge opportunity for progressive youth groups. In 2004 Malia Lazu (who does a lot of progressive youth vote work) was a contestant on a similar show on ShowTime. She was eventually a finalist.

If we could get a candidate on the show, with a committment to dole out the $1million prize to progressive youth groups, that would be incredible. How much effort would it really take for 10 or so youth groups to cajole their members to vote for that candidate for the prospect of winning $100,000 for the organization's budget?

I blogged this more on Future Majority.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Enlightenment said...

Haven't you heard, someone already won the Independent 2008 Presidential Competition? It's Dr. Eric Durand, Ph.D.....the Who's Who in America Discoverer of the New Higher Science of Love (where Algebra fails and two wrongs/negatives NEVER EQUAL a right/positive, only greater debt and descent into war) and the Scientific Government Training Programs that would've prevented Every Major Disaster Since Reagan Left Office (1988-89)---and he's going to use the $1,000,000 to run the campaign and ELIMINATE THE U.S.'s $8 TRILLION-PLUS DEFICIT, all at the same time (and, hence, the sooner officially-recognized and awarded, the more lives saved)---GUARANTEED---Real Presidents Have To Be Quick......[ pix or details]

4:37 AM  

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