Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Connecticut Creativity

So last Wednesday I blogged about a proposed constitutional amendment being voted on in Connecticut’s General Assembly that would authorize seventeen-year-old citizens who pre-register to vote and who will turn eighteen on or before Election Day to vote in the primary for the general election.

The amendment fell 9 votes short of the three-quarters vote needed to help put it on the state-wide ballot next year. A group of young Democrats accused politicians of panicking and changing their votes to no when the bill looked like it was going to pass. (Lawmakers in Connecticut's General Assembly are able to change their votes as often as they want before they're recorded.)

Well, in a great show of creative user-generated content, Lon Seidman (former campaign manager to Congressman Joe Courtney) and the Connecticut Young Democrats put together a YouTube video berating the flip-flopping lawmakers.

And check out news coverage it got...

HT to Future Majority

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Blogger Lindsey B. said...

That reminds me, Lon Seidman will be a featured speaker at the Young Voter Strategies event June 5th in Washington D.C. It's a free event and open to the public. You just have to RSVP.

10:41 AM  
Blogger Smith said...

We've got another post up about this over at Future Majority, come give it a read.

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its great to know that such a person is waiting to get a chance to sponsor people. Keep up the good work!!


Addiction Recovery Connecticut

7:17 AM  

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