Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Stay Informed!

Check out this site for up-to-date information on the 2008 presidential candidates. From candidate interviews to general party news, this site can serve as a resource to help with your up-coming primary and presidential voting decisions!



Blogger Smith said...

eh. Kind of text heavy and the design leaves a whole lot to be desired. Overall not a very friendly site for those with a passing interest in politics or looking for some quick info.

I'd recommend these sites:

Politickr aggregates all the RSS feeds coming out of the campaigns, making it a ones stop shop for all information.

Expert Voter is a collection of YouTube videos that illustrate the candidate's position on 9 critical issues in this election.

The site accepts submissions (from both campaigns and citizens), so if you can find a better video illustrating a candidate's position, he'll swap it out.

The site has a ratings system as well so the community can rank videos as good or bad.

Future Majority

4:59 PM  
Blogger Lindsey B. said...

Thanks Mike!

4:22 PM  

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