Monday, July 02, 2007

Legislative Show-Down: House vs. Senate

In mid-June, the House of Representatives responded to the tragic April 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech by voting to provide grants to states to update the national database that gun dealers use for background checks so that it includes more criminal records and mental health information in the database. However, the Senate Appropriations committee has voiced its concern about maintaining the privacy of gun owners. Last week, the Committee stalled the effort to repeal the Tiahrt amendment passed in 2003, which legally limits the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) from releasing to local law enforcement agencies information about guns used in crimes, including serial numbers, manufactures, sellers, and buyers in order to respect the privacy of gun owners. Those supporting the repealing of the amendment, including the prominent group Mayors Against Illegal Guns with members stretching from New York City to San Francisco, argue that if police forces were allowed to use the information currently protected by the BATF, they would be able to more effectively halt illegal gun trafficking and sales, the method by which many criminals obtains firearms. However, the National Rifle Association states that the Tiahrt amendment prevents local authorities from abusing this protected information, and also cite that both the BATF and the Fraternal Order of Police oppose repealing the amendment. What do you think?

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Blogger SarahBurris said...

so they want to spy on us and know every detail about who we are and what we're doing UNLESS it pertains to how many guns we're buying... nice job national security - I feel SO much safer now

3:23 PM  

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