Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Voter Pre-Registration in Rhode Island

The Rhode Island state legislature has passed a bill that allows 16 and 17-year-olds to "pre-register" to vote, making them automatically eligible to vote once they turn 18--for the second time. The very same bill passed in June of 2006, but Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri vetoed the bill. FairVote, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization which advocates fraud-free voter participation, contends that the passage of the bill will prevent bureaucratic sluggishness since voter registration applications would be spread out over time rather than received in a glut right before a voter registration deadline prior to an election. The life of the bill will most likely be determined by the end of this week.

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Blogger Unknown said...

UPDATE: The Gov. vetoed the bill yesterday,saying the state should "concentrate on cleaning up its voter list before it adds a new category of people not yet eligible to vote."

He's had 4 years to make "cleaning up" the rolls a priority but obviously he's too busy doing something else. Everyone should push the Legislature to override this unconscionable veto.

10:57 AM  

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