Monday, July 16, 2007

Shaken, Not Stirred

Ever think you were a little young for the Republican Party? Well, at least in Passaic County, New Jersey, you're not anymore! For it's there that 32-year-old Michael Ramaglia has created the Passaic County Regular Young Republican Organization, which aims to shift the perception of the county GOP. The first strategy: changing the Beefsteak Dinner to Martini Night. "I want to get Republicans elected," Ramaglia said. "The generation that's (in the party) now has been there forever. Let's get some new blood." Though Ramaglia's organization is surprisingly contentious in the communities of the county, he isn't letting that get him down: Ramaglia's plan is to attract one member from each town to serve on an executive committee that will plan fundraisers and get-togethers which will hopefully attract other young Republicans and independents.

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