Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Rock the Vote & Stephen Colbert Group Register 4,000+ Voters…And Counting

The media has been touting the phenomenal growth of Stephen Colbert’s Facebook group, which was created by high school student Raj Vachhani after Colbert announced his plan to run for president in South Carolina. In a mere eight days the group boasted a million members, and is currently shooting above 1.2 million.

Aside from an amazing membership count, this pop culture phenomenon has made a real political impact: more than 4,300 members have registered to vote via the group since Vachhani added a link to Rock the Vote on Oct. 24. That’s about one registration per minute.

In fact, Rock the Vote’s online registration capability is open to everyone. Sign up for a free account to track voter registrations through your own blog or website. We’ll generate an embeddable registration form (aka “widget”) that you can customize with a logo, and you’ll even have access to the list of people you register so you can remind them to vote on Election Day.

Sound cool? Try it out. We’d love to hear your feedback, too. Of course, you can always post a simple link to our online registration page if you prefer.

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Blogger Shell said...

I found the site on facebook and followed the link to your online registration.. I didnt join the facebook group because the comment wall has followed the way most of facebook groups do. Talking dirty and off topic. It's really too bad Mr. Colbert isnt really running for President. Or that any government office could make a positive or intelligent change. Even if I did vote it won't count or be miss counted. Michigan isn't even being addressed by candidates since we tried to get into the game we lose even more. *shrugs shoulders.

3:53 AM  
Blogger Celia Pleete said...

I couldn't be prouder! I hope they don't mess it up by not voting thoughtfully, though. Much as I adore Colbert and am thrilled he's exposing the farce of American politics, he's a satirist and sometimes people don't understand what satire is all about!

1:54 PM  
Blogger Bike-riding Capoeira Nomad Peter Pirata said...

My Top Ten reasons for Colbert for President:

10.) Really, do we need to have any reasons to vote for this guy?

9.) The next time a comedian goes on TV and gets the guys from Crossfire fired it could be the Prez himself.

8.) Nacho Cheese Doritos

7.) Second best interviewer after John Stewart. Maybe this way the leader of the free world can actually hold a conversation with the rest of the leaders of the free world. Instead of just trying to look like they are having a good time together.

6.) 1.200.000 Friends on Facebook

5.) "I, Stephen Colbert, do hereby pledge to practice absinth-tinence by remaining absinth-tinent from Absinthe . . . Since Absinthe incidents in many instances induce incipient synesthetic inspiration and sinister synthetic insistence on sin, I sincerely insist I will be absent from instances of Absinthe ingestion, this instant".
If you can say this really fast, you can run this country better then most current runners-for-the-presidency.

4.) ~4200 new voter registrations since putting a link up on Facebook, thats 1 voter a minute. Maybe soon 53 percent in the great state of South Carolina go vote.

3.) The other guys didn't think that he was who they thought he was. They let him off the hook!

2.) Vice President: John Stewart

1.) He is funnier then W, and he does it on purposery.

11:55 PM  

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