Monday, January 07, 2008

It's Your Turn

Jan. 8, 2008, 12 a.m. - As the clock hits midnight and the first New Hampshire polls open, I wanted to take a minute to reflect on what's happening here. Because something is definitely happening.

Last week, young Iowans made the cynics sit up and take notice by tripling their turnout to the caucuses and playing a decisive role in the first presidential primary contest. You showed them that we're taking this country into our hands. Now.

Over the next few days, every paper, every TV network, every radio station, and every website ran story after story about the power of the youth vote, the energy of the youth vote, the statement young Iowans made, and the political heft of the youth vote.

And this week, candidates were going after the youth vote like their campaigns depend on it - because they've realized they do. In New Hampshire, the youth vote is the talk of the town. Nearly every candidate was on a college or high school campus this week, was out there talking to young adults about college affordability or Iraq or health care, and was telling us what they will do FOR US, for the issues we care about, for our family and friends, and for our generation when they take office.

This is power. And we're on a roll. Turnout up in 2004, turnout up 2006, and turnout off to a historic start in 2008. Let's keep it going - New Hampshire, it's your turn.

It's your turn to Rock the Vote, New Hampshire. And I know you will today. Get to the polls, get your friends to the polls, and let's keep shocking the country and the candidates right into paying attention to us for the long haul.


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