Tuesday, February 19, 2008

On, Wisconsin!

Early returns from Wisconsin's primary show young voters turned out big today!

While we don't have hard turnout numbers yet, 18-29 year olds made up a much larger portion of the voters today than they did in 2004. That, coupled with news reports all day of big turnout statewide, is a sure sign that Wisconsin is yet another example of the way we're taking this election into our own hands this year.

Texas, Ohio, Vermont, and Rhode Island - you're next!

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Blogger CJW said...

This whole website is really condescending towards young people. It is trying way to hard to be "hip", and isn't giving young people enough credit.

I hope that someday this group will change their ways, and talk to young people on a mature level, rather than using terms like "Check it". Give us some credit.

As a young person, I want to be taken seriously as a human-being, this aspirations is made a mockery of when a group like this tries to reach my demographic by handing out "Rock the Playboy bunny" pins.

I am all for voting, I just don't intend to "Rock" it. I would much rather have a say in the democratic process.

I hope that this comment gets past your moderator, however, somehow I think thats highly unlikely. If this can't be an open forum for unbiased discussion, someone might have to start a "www.dontrockthevote.com" which interestingly enough would be more in the spirit of democracy.

Remember "Censorship is Unamerican".

4:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is alora.This blog is for the young people.It is trying to way to hard to be hip,and isn't giving young people enough credit.
Wisconsin Drug Treatment

8:58 PM  

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