Friday, April 11, 2008

Invite: A Better Deal Conference

You're invited! Check out the "A Better Deal" conference, sponsored by Demos and in partnership with Rock the Vote and a bunch of other great organizations. The event is in D.C. on May 8th and 9th.

WHAT: Hundreds of young activists meeting to learn about their generation's economic crisis. The conference is not just about ideas, though – it's about action. Attendees will get the tools to connect politics to the personal financial struggles of young voters, and get hooked up with others to build a movement for a better deal in their communities.

Activists will also have a chance to design and participate in their own, user-generated workshops. Register today to submit your idea. This conference is FREE and limited travel scholarships are available.

-Hundreds of other young activists
-Speakers: Andy Stern, SEIU, Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Nation, Heather Smith, Rock the Vote, Tom Manatos, Office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Shannon Augare, Montana State Legislature, Rob Brown, Opportunity Maine, Michael Connery, author, Youth to Power, Maya Enista,, Colonel Michael F. Hayden, USAF (Ret.), Ian Kim, Ella Baker Center, Chris Lindstrom, The Student PIRGs, Gabriel Pendas, U.S. Student Association, Andrea Batista Schlesinger, Drum Major Institute, Erica Williams, Campus Progress, and more.

May 8 & May 9
The Liaison Capitol Hill
415 New Jersey Ave. NW, WASHINGTON, DC

For more information, check out

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