Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rocking it at SXSW

We're kicking the week off at South by Southwest in Austin! Check us out at the Levi's/Fader Lounge where artists are stopping by sharing their views about voting and taping videos for us encouraging young people to make their voice heard!

Check back for more pictures and updates this week!


Blogger blessedone said...

It’s time when we don’t understand old people who said, when I was a child we had to walk ten miles to school with no shoes. Now that’s hard to believe, even though it may be true; it’s just something we don’t know anything about. Now Obama pastor preach things that offends main stream white America and sure as I write this we all know that his experience in this world created his dialog which he speaks and preach from, because you can only speak from experience. And that man probably has seen black men hanging from trees, black women rape and black people kill; not to mention the blacks chase from there home by white men to never return. These are the thing that fuel his passion to preach, which is something which white America don’t know nothing about, and no matter how hard they will like to know about that ungodly experience; they just will never know or understand. I am black and yet somewhat understand, you see here is an example. Much as I see rich people on TV in their chauffeur limousine and the private world of jets and yacht, not to mention the numerous houses all over the world. That is something I know absolutely nothing about, I can see that stuff all I want on TV and talk about it to others to the point where they begin to believe that I know something about that sort of living. But the bottom line is I don’t know anything about that. One last example, my grandmother was watching a program on TV where African people were starving to death by the hundred of thousands. She said lord have mercy as she spoke out loud, I look at her and said; grandmother you don’t know anything about that. She looks at me with a look that I still remember to this day, and she said boy you don’t know nothing about that neither. And she was right, no matter how hip and cool I thought I was as a black man; that was something I knew nothing about no matter how hard I wanted to identify with the suffering with the blacks over in Africa. I just didn’t know anything about that and must accept it. We don’t know what made that pastor of Obama say the things he said or what made him feel that way to say that, we’ve not walk in his shoes. Sometime we try so hard to fit in the mind of a person and we just got to accept the fact that we don’t belong their in his space. We think this old Preacher said some out of the way things, just wait six months from now and listen to the thing you and your family and friends will be saying in this depression that we are going to fall into as a country.

2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blessedone, you are a perfect example of a mind put to waste. Word of advice: if you want your argument to seem more cogent, at least write with proper grammar and diction. You try to sound profound with your failed attempts at explaining this moronic preacher's outdated and tired old delusions of persecution. It is almost as if you are trying to justify his rantings and ravings simply because of his "life experiences". In my case, if I had an irrational hatred of black people it should be accepted because all of the black people I see around me and interact with are porch-monkey, lazy, disrespectful, uncouth, pieces of excrement. So in other words, racism is ok, just try to understand where it is coming from.

3:14 PM  
Blogger long view farm studios said...

someone died so that I could have the right to vote. I am determined to make their sacrifice worth it. please go to and listen to the song we produced called "someone died for me". send the song/link to everyone you know.

2:25 PM  

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