Saturday, July 19, 2008

DemROCKracy Band Competition-- First Round Winner!

[Rock the Trail reporter Sarah Burris meets the first winner of the DemROCKracy band competition, sponsored by Rock the Vote and MySpace Impact.]

Congrats to the super awesome Jackie V who won the first round of artists who won the DemROCKracy Band Competition!

If you don't know Jackie V you are missing out. She's 18 years old this year and has gone above and beyond to register voters on her MySpace page as well as in her community. She's been playing the piano since she was a little girl and now plays some edgy pop with a jazz twist all over Austin, Texas.

We caught up with Jackie today to present her with her beautiful new Gibson Guitar and encourage her to keep up the good work to get to the big Rock the Vote Concert Extravaganza in August!

-- Sarah Burris

Check out Jackie as she receives her guitar:

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