Thursday, July 24, 2008

Stuff Young Voters Like

#1 Book Signings

Young voters like young authors such as Christian Lander, author of Stuff White People Like, who spoke at Politics and Prose last night in Washington, DC.

Christian-- a typical modest young author-- talked about the success of his blog as it went from 5 readers to 35 million in the course of just seven months. Young voters, especially unpaid interns who can't afford to purchase the new book, were there to demonstrate their appreciation for:

#2 Light irony

After the event, Rock the Vote staffers (all young voters) stood in line to present Christian with a Rock the Vote tee-shirt and gift bag. One young voter mentioned her appreciation of kitchen gadgets (particularly color-coordinated Kitchen-Aid mixers) and the largest young voter movement in history. Christian agreed, but lamented that being Canadian, he could not vote in the United States.

He signed the Rock the Vote staffer's book with the line:

Rock the Kitchen-Aid. Screw the vote.

But he proudly wore the Rock the Vote tee for the rest of the evening. Which brings us to another thing that young voters (American and Canadian) like:

#3 Registering other young voters.

Nothing makes a young voter feel more superior than to say, I am part of the largest young voter movement in history. I have pledged to vote in this election, and I've told all my friends to register to vote. Everyone wants a posse. Young voters plan to have the largest posse of them all.

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