Friday, September 19, 2008

Campus Media Buzz About Voter Registration

College media groups across the country reported great strides in campus voter registration efforts over the past week.

Here’s a few of the newspapers out there that reported the good words:

The Rocky Mountain Collegian, Colorado State University’s student newspaper, said one of the campus’ student-run political groups, Vote CSU!, successfully opened up voter registration stations throughout CSU’s student center. Vote CSU! is working to open up additional voter registration stations at convenience store counters across CSU’s campus. The organization’s goal is to register 10,000 voters by October 6, Colorado’s voter registration deadline.

The University of Massachusetts at Amherst’s student paper, The Daily Collegian, reported that numerous campus political groups banded together to form the Voter Registration Coalition. The group’s innovative and creative plans for increasing voter registration include playing games such as “Jeopardy” to educate students about the voter registration process. The Voter Registration Coalition hopes to register 9,000 voters by October 15, the general election voter registration deadline for Massachusetts.

In Tennessee, the University of Memphis’ student paper, The Daily Helmsman, told how numerous campus groups collectively held a 12-hour voter registration drive in one of U Memphis’ main venues. The event’s organizers, which included political clubs and greek life organizations, encouraged students from out-of-state to complete and send in absentee ballots. The university’s chapter of the Phi Beta Sigma fraternity spiced up the event through donating money that was used to bring in food, bands and DJs.

Students like these are making democracy proud.

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Blogger mentorman said...

...when will you be coming through Denver?

10:59 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The University of Arizona held their volunteer Voter Registration Coalition meeting and had over 200 volunteers dedicated to registering students to vote! UA VOTES 2008 is planning a massive campaign, see the video below for details:

1:08 PM  

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