Monday, September 15, 2008

Hispanic Heritage Month!

Today marks the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month!

The Hispanic population in the U.S. is the 2nd largest in the world, second only to Mexico. Hispanic in the U.S. are the fastest growing ethnic population in the U.S. The U.S. Hispanic population has more than doubled from 1990 to today and is now estimated to be at 45.5 million according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Talk about a powerful group!

Not only are Hispanics the fastest growing ethnic group but the median age of the population is 27.6 years old compared with 36.6 for the rest of the U.S. population. That is almost 10 years younger than the national average! Now think about the effect Hispanic youth could have on this election!

Make sure your voice is heard and the Hispanic youth population is represented by registering to vote in this election! Log onto to register and spread the word to make sure your friends are registered too!

You can also help yourself to stay informed of important voter deadlines, events and updates by texting VOTE to RTVOTE (788683)! Lets make sure our voices are heard by registering and voting in this election!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes! Hispanics have the possibility to be a huge voice in this election. We just really need to go out there and VOTE! Make our voices heard! I think Hispanic Heritage month is a great time to get the point across how important our vote really is! Coming together as a community is a great way to do this!

Speaking of coming together, influential Hispanic, Cristina Sarelegui has recently teamed up with AARP to bring a voice to Hispanics regarding memberships with AARP and how beneficial they can be! She knows the importance of getting information out there so that Hispanics everywhere can have a better quality of life!

Here's more:

Talk show host, Cristina Saralegui has paired up with AARP to to help spread the word about their great benefits!
Check out to learn more and make a customizable video! You can have fun with your friends and
make them on online TV star with Cristina's video, "Amigos Live!" It's a blast!

Also, you can enter to win an all inclusive trip for 2 to Miami to to see the Cristina Saralegui show!
Definitley check out AARP for yourself or for a relative or client. They've got some great benefits, including (but not limited to): Exclusive travel discounts, prescription discounts, retirement planning and free companion membership!

I hope it's alright that I commented on your blog -- wanted to let them know about the fun video with Cristina and AARP's great benefits. If you have any further questions,
please don't hesitate to email me.

Isabella Coldivar
AARP Ambassador

7:01 PM  

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