Friday, September 26, 2008

Dawn of the Season: Early Voting Begins

You might be one of the lucky people who gets to legally vote before Election Day on November 4.

Early voting began last week in Louisville, Kentucky, and around one-third of all American voters are expected by some experts to vote early.

Americans will be able to vote before Election Day in 34 states and the District of Columbia.

Georgia, Kentucky, and Virginia on Monday, September 22 kicked off the process of statewide early voting, and residents statewide can either walk to the polls or mail in ballots to rock the vote.

Many states, including Georgia, are operating their early voting procedures under new statutes that have increased the timeframe in which voters can cast their ballots before Election Day and have decreased the need for many voters to cast absentee ballots.

The Rocky Mountain region is home to two battleground states, Colorado and New Mexico, in which around half the electorate might vote before Election Day, says Paul Gronke, director of the Early Voting Information Center.

Florida, another critical battleground state, may see up to 40 percent of residents vote early, Gronke says.

It’s never too early to do a good thing.

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