Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ms. America Rocks the Vote

I am so excited to be at my school, the University of Cincinnati, to help Rock the Vote get the word out to young people. Their voice needs to be heard-- especially in this year's election. As Miss America and as a fellow student, I feel that it is my responsibility to educate my peers on the importance of taking advantage of the nonpartisan information Rock the Vote provides, and using that information to make an informed decision when voting this November.

We need to realize that EVERY vote counts. We are a huge demographic and the candidates know that in order for them to win this election, they must reach out to us and tell us what changes they can make to better our futures. That's power!

This is one of the last weeks you can register to vote for the 2008 election. I encourage every one of you to make sure everyone you know over the age of 18 is registered, and that they come out to the polls on November 4th! Young voters have a chance to make history this year. Whatever party you decide to go with, just go out and ROCK THE VOTE!

-- Kirsten Haglund, 2008 Ms. America

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