Monday, October 20, 2008

Mail-in Voting begins

Voting early by mail has reached unprecedented levels this year. More and more, day after day, weeks before Election Day, the vote tallies are going up and up.

More than 1.4 million of Colorado’s 3.2 million registered voters have requested mail-in ballots. That’s more than twice the number of Coloradans who requested mail-in ballots in 2004. This is a pretty big development for Colorado, especially because many polls regard the state as a toss-up in this year’s general election.

A few folks at debate parties across the state Wednesday evening were so excited after McCain and Obama duked it out that they took out their absentee ballots and filled them out on the spot.

You can check out our Election Center to find out more information about voting in your state and to see if your state offers early voting.

As Susan B. Anthony said, “Suffrage is the pivotal right.”

You’ve got that right, and you’ve got the ability to make a difference.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw that Rock the Vote is supporting the Trick or Vote campaign to dress up for Halloween to get their neighbors to vote. If folks haven't carved their Halloween pumpkin yet, there's another effort to carve pumpkins to get out the vote on Nov. 4th. A friend of mine did this in Ohio with his pumpkin, and the idea is so simple and appealing for us "get out the voters" to help "light" up our neighborhoods.

Check out for free patterns, slogans, and some other links. If people want to make a party out of it, they can invite their friends for a pumpkin carving get out the vote party this weekend.

Similarly, there's a petition to make Election Day a National Holiday to help people step up and vote at:

It takes just a minute to sign it. I did. You can register anonymously too if privacy is an issue.

Thanks so much.
Paul in Chicago

5:37 PM  

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