Monday, October 13, 2008

Broken Social Scene on the Bus

Monday, October 13, 2008

Young voters registered yesterday – 7,072
Miles travelled today – 3

9:34 pm CDT – Minneapolis, MN

Our sponsors - hallowed be their names - have begun to permeate our existence. FLOTV, a company that broadcasts live television onto cell phones, made an appearance at breakfast this morning when our recent-college-grad production assistant Frack (actual name Chad) brought TV to breakfast. The screenplay treatment of the morning would have run something like this:

Waitress: So you'll be having...?

(long pause)

Me: Chad!

Frack (looking up from table): what?

Me: What are you eating?

Frack: Oh... (stares back at table)

Me: Chad!

Frack (looking up from table): What?! Eggs. Fried.

Me: Alright. New rule: no TV at the table.

Frack(defensively): It's 'The price is right.' And it's the last round.


We are in Minneapolis today where we are getting voters at two separate events with Broken Social Scene ( The first was at the startlingly named 'Electric Fetus' record store and the second is presently occurring at 1st Avenue and 7th Street Entry.

I will be dashing in presently, but I have these words of wisdom from the band first:

"I really think that we [Canadians] should get to vote in your elections because basically we just have to deal with it when you guys screw up, but since we can't, well, you guys really should."



Blogger pennies1 said...

I do not sit well with the quote from Broken Social Scene at the end. The "WE" Canadians have to deal with the American's problems? I would love to know what these men are up against exactly. I'm disgusted.

12:33 AM  

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