Thursday, October 09, 2008

New MTV/USA Today Poll: Young Voters Engaged in the 2008 Election

On Monday, MTV, USA Today, and Gallup released a new poll on young voter attitudes toward the presidential candidates and the upcoming election. The survey confirmed the primary finding of the recent Rock the Vote poll: young voters are engaged in the political process more than ever, with 75% indicating that they are already registered to vote.

Young people are aware of the unique nature of the 2008 race. Over two-thirds of the 18-29 year olds surveyed indicate that they have given quite a lot of thought to this year’s contest between John McCain and Barack Obama. More than 80% feel that this is one of the most important elections of the last fifty years. And no matter who wins the White House, young people believe the new president will have a measurable impact on their lives.

On the issues, young voters don’t differ much from the electorate as a whole. 30% of registered young people listed the economy as the single most important issue this November, while 13% named the war in Iraq. When asked to list all issues influencing their decision, health care/insurance, foreign affairs, and energy/gas prices also made the list.
However, despite concerns about the economy and the war, young voter attitudes toward the future reflect the generally upbeat perspective the Millennial Generation use to greet almost every other area of their lives. In the poll, 67% of respondents reported feeling very or somewhat optimistic about the country’s future.

Of course, the MTV/USA Today survey also produced interesting findings on the presidential candidates. When asked who they would prefer to have a beer with (52% - 27%), have as a teacher in class (65% - 27%), have as a boss (63% - 28%), or ask for advice (51% - 36%), young people preferred Obama over McCain. However, this doesn’t mean they’re not interested in John McCain: when asked whose private diary they would most like to read, respondents chose McCain over Obama by 43% to 39%.

Finally, on the most important question 26 days out from Election Day, the news was good for the Democrats. Young people identified themselves as Democrats/Democratic-leaning over Republican/Republian-leaning by a 2-1 margin. And if the election was held today, 61% would vote for Barack Obama, while 32% would cast their ballot for John McCain.

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