Thursday, December 18, 2008

RTV Salutes: Jon Favreau

Check out today's article from the Washington Post on Jon Favreau, Barack Obama's primary speechwriter. At 27 years old, Jon is going to be the youngest White House chief speechwriter - ever! - when Obama is sworn in next month.

In many ways, Favreau is a typical 27 year old: during the campaign, he lived with six friends, kept up his Facebook account, and played Rock Band whenever he could. But, he's also responsible for helping to craft the words that moved millions of people during the 2008 election.

Having worked on Obama's best known speeches, including his Election Night victory speech and his acceptance address at the Democratic National Convention, Favreau's currently working on his biggest assignment yet: Obama's Inauguration speech on January 20th. Not that there's any pressure involved in that:

He went for a run to the Lincoln Memorial last month and stopped in his tracks when he imagined the mall packed with 3 million people listening to some of his words. A few weeks later, Favreau winced when Obama spokesman Bill Burton reminded him: "Dude, what you're writing is going to be hung up in people's living rooms!"
Favreau is an important, influential voice that has earned incredible access to and respect from the next President - proof that young people are ready, willing, and able to participate in the highest levels of the government.

So, Jon, we here at Rock the Vote salute you - keep being an awesome rep in the new Administration for young people across the country.

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Blogger jaybs said...

Good to see someone positive backing Jon Favreau at last, what petty this non-story has been given!

At one time we celebrated the success of the Young Talented, but for me this has just been an exercise to try and embarrass the new administration, all for a photo that surfaced 11 months ago! and not one word said, unlike claims of now.

Jon is very talented and will do a superb job at The White House, it is most clear he works well with President Elect Obama!

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Favreau, Obama's 27-year-old chief speechwriter, is the guy who stood next to a life-size cutout of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and groped the figure in a sexually explicit manner while being photographed. This is the kind of behavior you'd expect from a drunken frat boy. But Mr. Favreau is not a boy. He's a grown man charged with the responsibility of expressing the highest ideals and beliefs of our next president. Here’s the picture:

If Favreau was working in any corporation, and posted pictures of himself gleefully groping the image of a female colleague, he would lose his job. It’s sexual harassment.

Favreau’s behavior devalues and disrespects our incoming Secretary of State. His jubilant portrayal of sexual assault should immediately result in his removal from his position in the new administration. He should be fired. How would you feel if this was your mother, sister, Michelle Obama, Obama’s daughters or others? It’s just plain wrong.

Favreau should be fired now.

3:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am surprised you salute Favreau. Favreau should be fired. His antics have broad ramifications.

This is not just about how frat boys in the US see things. This is about how diplomats, national leaders -- and ordinary Middle East citizens see our new Secretary of State and the new President who appointed her but allows his own White House chief of speechwriters to publicly insult her.

3:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His little encounter with a Hillary coutout is sure to make young people proud :)

4:12 AM  

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