Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Voting with Your Cell Phone?

Last week, Estonia approved a law making it the first country in the world to allow voting by cell phone. Designed to go into effect in time for their 2011 parliamentary elections, voters will be required to get free identification chips for their phones in order to participate in the electronic voting system.

Estonia is used to being on the cutting edge of voting technologies - it successfully held the first legally-binding general elections to include Internet voting in October 2005. But, I'm not sure how I would feel about this type of electoral reform in America. While our current system has its flaws (confusing ballot designs, malfunctioning touch-screen devices, insufficient machines for heavily-populated precincts, etc.), it seems that Internet and mobile phone voting would open up a whole host of new security problems that would be decidedly more difficult for the public to recognize than long lines at the polls or improperly designed ballots.

What do you think?

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