Friday, January 30, 2009

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

I posted yesterday on the economic stimulus Congress is debating right now; today I saw a couple great articles - from The Nation and Future Majority - about job training, education, green jobs, and young people - all of which are big parts of the bill - that I wanted to pass along.

Tons of young people are out of jobs and, as both articles talk about, that's not for lack of want or need - it's a lack of access and opportunity. This isn't a new problem but it's getting worse as the economy gets worse.

So it's really good to see that the economic package includes a bunch of programs to invest in clean energy and green jobs, job training (including $1.2 billion for youth employment), and education assistance that could help millions of young people. It's a strong start toward investing more in American workers, including the youngest.

Like I said yesterday, though, word is that the Senate might strip some of these pieces that are so important to young adults. So remember - take a minute to contact your Senators and let them know your thoughts on what you'd like to see in the economic bill.

I'll keep you updated on what happens in the Senate next week - check back.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

With job you can get lot of satisfaction.

6:12 AM  

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