Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Time for Action

Congress and the new White House are getting to work on our country's critical issues - and so are we. They're moving fast - we've already seen action on children's health care and anti-discrimination laws - and we're right in the thick of it.

As a start, Rock the Vote is diving into the debate over how to fix our failing economy (see more below); over the next few months, we'll be taking action on the issues you told us matter most to you - health care, energy, climate change, voting rights, equality issues, higher education, and more, making sure your voices are heard in the debates and keeping you in the loop on what's happening.

Up right now? The economy, big time.

Our economy's in the dumps. We all know someone who’s lost a job, can’t pay for school, or doesn’t have health insurance – or we are that person. The list goes on, and it’s scary.

Last year, you made clear that you expected our incoming president to tackle our failing economy ASAP.

Now Congress and President Obama are taking action – and they need your help to pass a strong economic recovery bill.

Rock the Vote members nationwide are mobilizing to support the strongest economic recovery bill possible - with funds for job creation and training, investment in clean energy, higher education assistance, and support for health insurance - and to ensure the needs of young American workers and students are addressed. (learn more about the bill here)

Go to our Action Center to take a stand for a strong economic recovery package, and to learn what it's all about. Email and call your Senators today, and make sure to get your friends involved, too.

Stay tuned for updates on the economic bill - and on what's happening in D.C. throughout the year. And in the comments below, let us know what you want to hear more about. Health care? Higher education? Iraq? Voting rights? Tell us and we'll keep you in the loop.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how you guys and other organizations like 99problems are encouraging the youth to be involved. It's great to see that the new generations cares.

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its so hard right now! seriously i had 5 friends last week lose their jobs. WTF!?!?

7:31 PM  

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