Friday, January 23, 2009

Political Engagement in College Freshman Hits 40-Year High

Check out this new UCLA survey, which confirms something we've known for a long time: young people are more politically involved today than at any point in the last several decades.

With the 2008 election in full swing, 89.5% of incoming college freshman reported frequently or occasionally discussing politics within the last year. More students also said that keeping up to date with political affairs was an "essential" or "very important" goal: 28% in 2000 versus a full 40% in 2008.

Also of note: the financial crisis is hitting young people just as hard as the rest of the country, and they're being forced to make some tough choices. Half of all incoming freshman indicated that they planned to get a job during the school year to help pay for college expenses. And, as the number of students attending their first-choice school continues to decline, financial aid packages are playing an ever-expanding role in the college decision-making process - 4o% said they were "very important" or "essential" to their college choice.

Check out the full report here, and let us know what you think. How does it reflect your own college experience?

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