Thursday, January 15, 2009

Vote for Automatic Voter Registration

Like we mentioned last month,, the official website of the President-elect's transition team, has been soliciting feedback on the issues the new Administration should tackle first. Visitors to the site's Citizen's Briefing Book can read people's ideas and "vote up" or "vote down" specific proposals.

So we wanted to draw your attention to a matter that is very near and dear to Rock the Vote's heart: protecting the rights of each and every citizen in this country to cast a ballot.

One way we can help make sure this happens is by modernizing our voter registration system - bringing it into the 21st century.

If you've ever voted, I'm sure you've noticed that the when, where, and how of registering and voting can be confusing, right? Rules are different in every state - sometimes every town - and they change year to year.

Plus, you have to re-register every time you move - which, in these days of mobile phones, emails, and online profiles that follow you regardless of geography, seems silly and antiquated - not to mention, ripe for error.

And then what happens? You show up at the polls on Election Day only to find that there's a mistake - you're not listed as registered! Or you made a mistake and didn't know you had to re-register after moving from one dorm to another, or across town. Not only does that stink - it's a violation of your rights as an American citizen and a blemish on our democracy.

There's a solution: automatic and permanent voter registration. Basically, this means that it is your state government's job to create voter registration rolls and keep them up to date, instead of your job. So just like the government keeps selective service rolls, tax lists, and DMV records, they keep track of who should be added to the voter registration rolls when they turn 18.

Plus, when you move, unlike today, your registration stays valid. So no more need to re-register to vote 2 times a year, every time you move.

So take a minute and vote up Modernize Voter Registration - Make It Automatic and Permanent. The more votes and comments generated, the more likely it is that the new Obama Administration will take action on this critically important issue.



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