Friday, February 27, 2009

Vote in Special Elections Across the Country

And speaking of 2009 elections, there are a bunch of special congressional elections happening in the next few weeks. Live in these districts? Make sure to get out and vote!

Upcoming special elections to watch:

Illinois 5th - White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's former seat. The primary election will be held this Tuesday, March 3rd. The general election will be held April 7th. Visit the Illinois Board of Elections site for more information.

New York 20th - The general election to replace freshly-minted New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand will take place on Tuesday, March 31st. Visit the New York Board of Elections site for more information.

California 32nd - A special election date has not yet been set for new Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis' seat, but we've got our eye on it, and we'll let you know as soon as a date is set.

In addition to these high-profile seat vacancies, there are a number of special elections for local positions and ballot initiatives that are happening all across the country. Visit your Secretary of State's website for information on the elections happening in your area, and get out and vote!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's exciting that, in the Illinois Special Election, we can actually participate in a contested Green primary. Finally we don't have to waste our time and energy trying to choose the best Democrat. I will be supporting Matt Reichel,

3:32 AM  

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