Friday, February 20, 2009

What You Need to Know: 02.20.09

Obama: Stimulus money must be spent wisely
"Invoking his own name-and-shame policy, President Barack Obama warned the nation's mayors Friday that he will "call them out" if they waste the money from his massive economic stimulus plan."

Clinton Addresses North Korea Succession
"When Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton warned Thursday that a succession battle in North Korea could complicate nuclear negotiations with that country’s government, she broke an informal taboo. Diplomats do not talk publicly about what comes after Kim Jong-il, the convalescing dictator who turned his isolated country into a nuclear rogue state."

Obama, Harper discuss poor economy, trade
"President Barack Obama stepped cautiously in his first foreign trip Thursday, refraining from asking Canada to rethink its plans to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and saying changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement can wait."

U.S. Has Dual Task On Climate Change
"Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's decision to make her first overseas trip to China, where she arrives today, highlights the daunting tasks the new administration faces as the world scrambles to forge a new climate-change treaty this year: trying to persuade emerging economies to make deep cuts in greenhouse-gas releases that they have long resisted while coaxing Congress to adopt first-ever limits on the United States' own emissions.

These two challenges, which are key to securing a deal when climate negotiators convene December in Copenhagen, mean that President Obama and his deputies must launch a major push abroad and at home on an issue that President George W. Bush only reluctantly addressed. Bush ultimately launched a regular meeting of the world's biggest greenhouse-gas emitters -- an initiative Obama hopes to sustain -- but Bush's unwillingness to commit to binding domestic emissions cuts effectively stalled international efforts to curb global warming."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, are addressing the erosion of our constitutional rights. Rights in the area of free speech, property, over taxation policies. I live in NJ and we can't ride a bike while talking on a cell phone, we will be having cameras taking pictures of cars in intersections and falsely stating that they are going through red lights. Our tax system is broke, it doesn't work inthe way our founding fathers wanted and property tax is going up due to government waste and fraud. There are deep intellectual issues regarding our guaranteed rights and I don't see any of this addressed on your website.

3:47 PM  

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