Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Natalie Maines has the Big Quote of 2003

You remember the controversy that erupted last spring after Dixie Chicks singer Natalie Maines spoke out against President Bush. Well, it looks like that will really go down in history. As a prelude for what may be coming as everyone looks back on 2003, VH1 has named it the "Big Quote" of the year, and is giving Natalie an award. The VH1 show will air on November 30.

We think this rocks----she took a lot of heat from a lot of jerks for speaking out. When they try to beat up on Natalie and make her shut up, they are really trying to silence EVERYONE who disagrees with them.

And to her credit, Natalie isn't backing down. On NBC's Today Show recently, she said "I think people were misled and I think people are fighting a war that they didn't know they were going to be fighting. And I think they were misled by people who should have been asking questions and weren't."

Rock the Vote is proud to stand by her and all of the Dixie Chicks. We're working with them, as well as a number of women artists, on our Chicks Rock, Chicks Vote campaign to get young women excited about voting in the next election. Check it out at our website!


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