Friday, March 26, 2004

More Rock the Vote in India

There's a very similar movement brewing in India. India, by the way, is the world's largest democracy.

Here's the last paragraph of the story, which is called "CITY COLLEGES GET READY TO ROCK THE VOTE":

"The Vishwakarma Institute of Technology has also taken up a similar exercise and already 1,200 forms have been distributed. ‘‘We now want all student representatives from all educational institutes to join our efforts so that the city’s youth is inspired to vote,’’ declares Pranav Patil of VIT. ‘‘We have got the e-mail ids of all those who registered with us and will be sending them reminders on the day of the polls,’’ he adds. Clearly, Pune’s youth are ready to rock to the vote."

We love this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was pleasure finding mention of the campaign that we had launched here in Pune on your blog.
I would like to know from you about the 'similar movements' that you have addressed in the opening paragraph. Have my email id:

1:58 PM  

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