Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Rudy Rocks

Rudy Takala is a fifteen year old Minnesotan and he thinks that you are a rock. Rudy recently wrote an opinion editorial in which he attacked Rock the Vote for reaching out to young voters by stating, "[Rock the Vote's] aim is to get more rocks -- or rather, people with intelligence equal to that of rocks -- to vote. MTV wants to register twenty million voters nationwide; all of whom are, in effect, little more than rocks who vote." Rudy also had choice words for fans of rap music, calling them "ignorant denizens", whatever that's supposed to mean. Despite Rudy's innocence this is a serious problem. Back in the days of Jim Crow racists claimed that blacks were too incompetent to vote and made them take literacy tests. They also created other, more malicious tactics to keep blacks from voting.

Today there are similar forms of intimidation going on at campuses across the country. Students are being denied the right to vote at the place where they spend most of the year, their schools, by intimidation techniques practiced by state and local governments. Go to our Do It On Campus page to learn more about student voter suppression and what went down at Prairie View A & M.


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