Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Close the Health Care Gap!

Are you one of the 13 million young Americans who have no health insurance today? Have you gone without health insurance at some point over the last year or two? Well, you're in good company----fifty percent of young adults went without health care over the past two years.

It's time to take action. In politics, you have to make noise to get the politicians' attention. Join us in demanding that politicians address this disparity in our health care system and "close the health care gap" for young people.

The politicians can come up with any proposal they like. We have one that we like-----allowing young people to stay on their family plans until age 26. That's what we are asking the candidates to support. But there could be other approaches, too.

Bottom line: At Rock the Vote we want to close the health care gap and we need your help. Don't take it from me: look at your wallet, or the last bill you got from the doctor, or the last time you had to wait it out or figure out where the "free clinic" was because you don't have a doctor.

Go to our Action Center and send a letter to President Bush, Senator Kerry, and your members of Congress to close the health care gap.

You only live once, make it last.


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