Friday, August 06, 2004

Draft Women?

The concern of the military to find new enlistees continues to raise young people's fears of a new military draft. But what would that draft look like? Those new recruiters for the Army mentioned in the previous post are not just going to approach young men at the malls that they visit, but young women as well. With women serving honorably alongside men in Afghanistan and Iraq the question will arise in a debate over a military draft: should women be drafted too?

Currently the Selective Service only forces men to enlist. The website states: "Almost all male U.S. citizens, and male aliens living in the U.S., who are 18 through 25, are required to register with Selective Service." The Selective Service also answers the question of drafting women directly by providing three reasons for women's non-inclusion in a draft: the current draft law specifically states that a draft will consist of only men; a Supreme Court case decided that registering only men did not violate the due process clause of the Constitution; and a Department of Defense study in the 1990s that concluded that because of women's exclusion from combat roles the draft process remained acceptable.

What do you think about women being drafted? For reasons why women aren't eligible for the draft check out the Selective Service's page on this very issue.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a woman gifted with common sense, I am, of course, vehemently opposed to drafting women. All media mythology aside, we women do NOT enjoy equality with men. The Equal Rights Amendment was officially defeated in 1982. We owe the state nothing. It is men who have ruled society for thousands of years. It is men who created and maintain the institution of war. We women are forced into involuntary servitude all over the world. But now men are saying, "That's not enough!" Now men want to force women to fight men's wars.

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe firmly in equal rights of capability. If a man or a woman of any race or creed is capable of performing a job, they should be allowed to do it. With that being said, I believe that women should absolutely be drafted. This war is the first time that Americans have had to wake up and realize that men and women are equally vulnerable on the battlefield, and should be given equal opportunity in service. Perhaps if Americans are faced with the reality of sending their sons AND daughters to war, they will think twice about frivolous wars. I also believe that women should be allowed to volunteer for combat units, even if they are initially segregated before being integrated.

And the poster who said that men create and perpetuate war, and women are nothing but gentle souls is a damn fool. War is HUMAN nature from ANIMAL instinct - its not a gender trait.

9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a woman myself I do not believe in women being drafted. Men always have been superior than women and it should stay that way. I believe that most women are too emotional for war and couldn't handle it the way men do. Why change the consitution now? For years it has been only men drafted, why change for the worse. If you think about it how many women do you think could handle going into a city where all of the people are burned to death when the men can barely handle it. My dad is at Vietam veteran and has never told me anything about the war, it is too painful. My dad is one of the toughest guys I know and have never seen him even shed a tear, but yet it is too painful for him. How would women handle it?

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a man gifted with common sense, I am, of course, in support of drafting women. Even if SOME women don't enjoy equality with men(by the way that is the first time I have ever heard that) they are getting it. You cannot blame the men alive now for the men of mistakes in the past. We have changed and we are different people. If you have equal rights, you should accept equal responsibiliy.

7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe women should be drafted, and for the women that say they could not handle war emotionally or physicaly, it is not the same for others. Ech person has their own attributes.

8:51 PM  
Blogger heavriru said...

Some of these comments are funny. I do not feel inferior to men nor do I find myself wanting to be superior. Women are stronger in some aspects such as nurturing, communication, and organization while men are mostly stronger when it comes to physical aspects and hiding emotions. I don't think women or men should have to register for the draft longer. History is constantly repeating itself and some politicians should take a history lesson before making major decisions. If there are not enough people willing to volunteer their services for their country, then there is something wrong with the decisions being made by the government. If the government finds themselves in a position where they need more soldiers and none are available, that means America is not in support of the war effort and too many are dying in the battle field or the government has just spread themselves too thin on too many battle fronts. There should not be a draft for either sex because all it does is cause social disorder and restless citizens. Perhaps the people should be more responsible with their vote so we as a nation don't end up in a situation where young men and women are being pulled out of their lives to serve a lost cause.

12:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I have slight issues with what some people are posting...Women don't just enjoy equality with men- in many ways we have more rights then men do and that disgusts me... I believe women SHOULD be drafted
because we enjoy the same rights as men (even more rights) then men do and they deserve their rights more than we do. They have to register for the draft (selective service system) and can vote. We can vote without fear of possible jeapordy. If you think I'm a sexist, I could care less. I am a WOMAN and I think MEN are superior and more deserving (in a lot of cases).
God Bless America and the War on Terror (which is NOT a lost cause) as long as we still have people and a president who believe in it.

10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is true women do enjoy many more rights than men. I am glad one woman can see that. I have a sister in law whom is attending college later in life and is out on a feminist kick.

She speaks as though men are now awful. I understand that new ideas in college affect you. She goes over board. I can look in hind site and see that soemtimes retoric really plays havoc with our real bedrock values.

My sister inlaw aside I think that women should have the right to be drafted but that they can do it voluntarily. And if they do not want to be in a draft they can abstane.

You satisfy both camps of women this way. Plus I like spoiling women too can't help that they are so darn nice.

5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are women cowardly sycophants who send men out to do the dirty work, or peacemaking child-bearers who need to be protected? That war is a more gender specific activity is historically irrefutable. Shall we change our ways and put the lessons of history in the waste bin?

You can read my comments by google searching:

It's an Iowa Thing...: Women in the military

9:02 PM  

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