Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Diplomas and Voter Registration

The most common reason that young people give for not voting in an election is that they were not registered. Our system of voter registration in this country is such that one can go their whole life without anyone asking if they want to register to vote and give them a form. In New York City that is all about to change thanks to Eric Gioia.

Council member Eric Gioia worked to pass a bipartisan bill, supported by Mayor Bloomberg, to have the Department of Education distribute voter registration forms with diplomas to graduating high school seniors. This move will make the Department of Education the second government department that must ask young people if they want to register, the first being the Department of Motor Vehicles. Eric Gioia commented on his legislation:

== “Every time in our nation’s history that we have removed barriers to voting, our democracy has flourished. Making voter registration cards more accessible will make participation easier, and will make our nation stronger.” ==

Rock the Vote fully supports this legislation and believes we need to spread this kind of voter registration outreach to all states in the nation. The more our governments ask young people if they want to be a part of a vibrant democracy the more they will participate. Please feel free to write your local and national officials to enact legislation mirroring Eric Gioia's bill.


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