Thursday, August 26, 2004

New Documentary Explores Effects of “Outsourcing”

Many of you have probably heard the term “outsourcing” used a lot during the election season, but you may not know exactly what it means or how it affects you. Well, former MTV producer Greg Spotts has the answers.

Spotts has spent the last six months traveling around country interviewing American workers who have lost their jobs when those jobs were “outsourced” or moved offshore to other countries where the wages are lower. He compiled the footage into a powerful documentary called American Jobs.

As the job market continues to be a hot-button political issue, it’s vital for young voters to grasp how both candidates’ proposed economic platforms will shape the future of an ever-changing workforce. See what John Kerry and President Bush have to say about jobs in the US and the concept of outsourcing.

American Jobs will make its premiere at the Laemmle Fairfax Theater in Los Angeles this Saturday. If you’re in the area, go check it out! If not, keep checking to see when a screening of the film will hit your town. You can also purchase a DVD of the film online on the web site on Labor Day. This is an issue that is sure to have an impact on just about everybody. Well worth your time.


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