Wednesday, September 01, 2004

“Fcuk you, I’m voting”

If you haven’t seen or heard, the French Connection UK (FCUK) apparel company has produced a Rock the Vote shirt. You gotta check this thing out. The front of it simply reads, “Fcuk you, I’m voting.” There’s a Rock the Vote logo on the back, up top near the neckline.

“Fcuk you, I’m voting.” I think that phrase nicely sums up Rock the Vote’s politics. Cultural and subversive, but you can wear it whatever your political affiliation.

We’ve been giving them away at the DNC and RNC conventions. We did an in-store cocktail reception at each, including last night at the FCUK store in New York City’s SoHo district. Actress Angie Harmon,
ex-NFL star Jason Sehorn and CBS soap-star Gavin Houston showed up to endorse the cause. The highlight for many was the performance by Declare Yourself’s spoken word poets. It was inspiring and hard-hitting. (They’re coming out on our Fall concert tour, we’re happy to report—you gotta check them out.)

Despite a great event and lots of appreciative laughs from our Republican friends, some RNC types have responded harshly to the shirt…That’s silly. What with all the protesters running around telling Republicans to “go home,” “Fcuk you, I’m voting” seems like the perfect retort!

Check out the shirt


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