Wednesday, October 27, 2004

CNN Reports:

Since the draft was suspended, there has been a significant shift in gender roles, raising the issue of whether women should face compulsory military service.

"I'm in between on that issue because I would see women as more equal if they could be drafted, but I wouldn't want to be drafted," sophomore chemistry student Kara Kinzel said.

On college campuses all over the country, students are debating the draft issue. If you're concerned about it, consider what both candidates are planning for the next four years.

If you're cynical, get informed on the facts. More than once on the pages of our blog we've pointed to articles in which military insiders, our nation's Generals, the highest ranking officials in the Pentagon, even L. Paul Bremer has stated on the record that the armed forces are feeling a crunch.

If the vast majority of our military is concentrated in Iraq, what is a President to do to defend this country in case of an attack? Contrary to the campaign promises, a draft will be one of the options on the table. Don't let anybody scare you out of knowing the truth.

No matter what, your vote matters next Tuesday.

Alex Sherman


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