Thursday, May 12, 2005

Choco-Who? Choco-What?

Josh Marshall is offering a free PRIVATIZE THIS T-shirt to whoever can get an audio file or a transcript of the Medved Meltdown.

I'll throw in two free tickets to our June 8 after-party!

Update! Jeremy Cluchey is the winner of the afterparty tickets. Nice job Jeremy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reimer sure seems obsessed with this Medved business. Funny how it's been a good 10 days or so since people put Hans's "YOU PEOPLE ARE BETTER OFF UNDER THE CURRENT SYSTEM THAN UNDER THE BUSH PLAN!!!" rant to shame. Hans Reimer has yet to counter a single one of those points, because the fact of the matter is he can't.

Reimer also has totally ignored his appearance on Fox News last week, in which he was once again put to shame by Neil Cavuto and a few people who are actually IN our generation. Has Reimer mentioned anything about it on this blog? Nope.

Instead, Reimer rants about Medved, because Medved made a fool out of himself. Reimer also chooses to focus on semantics- trying to scare people by calling this "privatization", which it certainly is not. The President- and a few others- have used that word before, and they clearly used the wrong language when referring to this plan. I'd love to see privatization- it would give EVERYONE a much greater return than anything Social Security can promise- but all the Bush plan does is give you the OPTION to privatize PART of your Social Security taxes.

Reimer doesn't care about those details. Reimer doesn't care about facts, as we've seen by how he totally disregards the fact that $5 trillion in trust fund money is needed from 2017-2041- money that'll have to come from tax hikes or deficit spending- among others.

Hans Reimer has proven that he has no solution for Social Security's problems. Reading the comments in response to his post 10 days ago, and watching his appearance on Fox News, it is rather evident that Reimer cannot even debate this issue on its merits. Instead, Reimer must try to change the focus- to semantics and bomb-throwing against people like Medved.

Get over yourself, Reimer. You're selling this generation out by opposing the one reform that actually helps this generation the most. Worse yet, you don't even provide a counter proposal, and instead of responding to the numerous challenges and counters to your allegations that we would be somehow BETTER OFF under the current system, you shift the topic to a bunch of whining about the word "privatization" and some more whines about what Medved did to you the other day.

Hans Reimer, at his finest.

7:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who gets the tickets?!

6:45 PM  
Blogger rick h said...

I believe he's the same Michael Medved who used to review movies on PBS television. He should have stuck with movies. His rightwing rants are so tiresome.

You stuck it to him, Hans, and he lost it, completely. Thanks.

Rick H
Ca Democratic Pary

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You stuck it to him, Hans, and he lost it, completely. Thanks.

Rick H
Ca Democratic Pary

Leave it to a California Democrat to completely ignore the issue at hand (Social Security reform) and instead support some guy's semantics game as "sticking it to" the opposition.

And people wonder why California always faces budget crises.

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got a quote for Hans to go nuts over:

"Social Security has been a great program, the most successful social program in the history of the world. Let's not denigrate the program. It's worked great. We need to make sure it continues to work great. And most of us have no problem with taking a small amount of the Social Security proceeds and putting it into the private sector."

Dear lord, here is another politician claiming that we should take a small amount of our SS taxes and invest it into the private sector.

Now what Republican said this?

Give up?

It was made one year before Chocula's remarks in 1999... and its a trick question, this quote was not from a Republican but a Democrat... a senator... a man who now is completely against the concept of taking any amount from SS and investing it into the private sector... guessed it yet?

Harry Reid (D) - Nevada
February 14, 1999
FOX News Sunday

7:37 PM  

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