Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Prioritize safe return

To follow yesterday's "The real meaning of 'Support the Troops'," it appears basic that young Americans should not be put in harms way unless absolutely necessary and once sent, our troops should be protected as best possible. Their safety should be a priority.

Rock the Vote has been adamant in our support of prioritizing our national spending to meet the needs of young Americans. The point? Hey Pentagon: prioritize shifting some of your funding to armored Humvees and other such life-saving measures.

-- posted by Miles Granderson


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You obviously have not taken a look at the ongoing effort to armor humvees and the numbers that are deployed. I love it when people don't let the facts stand in the way of a good story.

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is another example of someone who thinks throwing money at an issue will completely solve it. As the granddaughter of two WWII veterans, the daughter of two army officers and the sister of an army officer, I can safely say that I know a few things about the military, past and present. The issue with Military supplies is not money, it is production. Only so many Humvees can be made at a time. If more money could bring faster production, then the Pentagon would gladly spend more on it. But as it stands, the makers are producing as many as they can.

Another aspect of this debate is the Humvee armor. Humvees are not supposed to have armor. They are made to ride over rough, unpredictable terrain faster than a tank could. Since speed is an issue, the Humvee has to be light so that it can move quickly. Adding armor to the vehicle makes it less efficient because the added weight puts strain on the vehicle. This is a trade off of course because being light in weight also means less protection. If protection is more important, then drive a tank, but it won't be able to move out of or into an area as quickly making it an easier target.

I love the military. The military provided me and my family with a wonderful life, and I am truly grateful to the soldiers who fight for this country. They make it possible for us civilians to know freedom unlike any nation in the world. I do not take this freedom lightly because I know that it takes a great deal of sacrifice, sometimes lives must be lost to maintain it. I am thankful every day that I live in a nation that has freedoms worth dieing for.

I know that the officers in charge of strategizing and budgeting care about the U.S. soldiers as much as I do. They know the U.S. presence must remain in the Iraq and Afghanistan because other wise those nations would fall into complete chaos. I wish more money for Humvees would fix the problem, but it won’t. The U.S. military doesn’t have all the equipment it needs, that is true, but the soldiers are doing an amazing job with what they have, and the officers in charge are doing their best to get the soldiers what they need as fast as humanly possible.

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two very good comments.

The humvee issue is something many Americans don't fully understand. Not every soldier can or should travel around in tanks, its both impractical in the modern battlefield and terribly expensive. As the previous posted explained not all humvees were designed to have armor plating to the extent many in the press have been calling for. Imagine taking your car and adding another two thousand pounds, not terribly efficient unless you upgrade the entire chassis and drivetrain.

Humvees are being re-armored at a fast pace, in fact I live near a plant here in Texas that is in charge of this operation and they're running 24/7 to keep up with the demand, but the problem in getting more humvees refitted is not from a lack of funds but the amount of time and resources it takes to refit one vehicle. This is not something you can just throw at any manufacturing plant, these armor plates must be fabricated to exact specs and the amount of materials used isn't quickly produced.

If RTV truly cared about the soldiers they would call for an immediate reduction in pork barrel spending in DC and an immediate increase in military funding. So far all we've read on this board is tax more and give it to SS, hardly a resounding banner of support for constitutional spending (which does include the military).

12:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of spending and pork...

They tacked this Real ID thing on to a spending bill for the Iraq war. It passed.

Read more here

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The previous poster seems to want to argue against the Real ID act, which is not surprising given that the Rock the Vote generation (which I'm unfortunately a part of) complains constantly about any security measures that our government implements domestically- all the while complaining when our troops have to go abroad to protect us against terror and foreign threats, because of 9/11 which happened due to lax domestic security.

The Real ID Act is an excellent provision that blocks illegal immigrants from obtaining driver's licenses. In case you didn't know, many of the 9/11 hijackers had driver's licenses from not one, but numerous states- they were able to use those licenses to board the planes on that day. It is a common sense measure, and even if it results in all of us getting a national ID card, it is a good thing.

You want to protect our troops and make sure they're only in battle when they ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY have to be? Then support domestic security measures, so we don't have any more future 9/11s. Whining about homeland security measures only weakens this country's security, which sets us up for more battles.

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm the previous poster that the previous poster is refering to. Confusing huh?

Anyway, I don't like that this Real ID was just slipped into the bill instead of getting on it's own bill.

Although I'm sure its happening, I don't really understand how illegals are getting DLs anyway. Anyone have info on that for me to read up on.

I think illegals should be deported immediately; well right after we remove the plaque from the statue of liberty that says, "bring us your...". Has anyone brought a false advertisement suit up on this, that would be cool. K, getting really off track here.

I don't know if I'm for or against RealID yet. I know I'm not for it coming into existance in this manner.

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AmericanDream - If wars are started out of greed and bigotry I wonder if the 9-11 ransom note just got lost in the mail? Perhaps we should have just stayed out of the European theater in WWII because we had no reason to be there? You want to increase spending for the military? GREAT! In the mean time I assume you're already giving to the USO? Perhaps you gave to your local military drives or adopted a local military family like myself and many of my neighbors did here in Texas? You don't have to wait for the government to give to our men and women in uniform, as you well know as an ex-Marine (thank you for serving BTW) military budget cuts always hurt the soldier.

I remember talking with a pal of mine who is in the 82nd Airbore, currently waiting to attend the next rotation for Ranger School in Georgia, about how they get around cuts during exercises... when they can no longer use rounds for scenarios and training they just yell "budget cut" with each pull of the trigger. Nice. When his unit was about to be shipped out to Afghanistan I bought him a camel back unit, and pooled together money to pay for other essentials with other supporters here in his hometown. Its amazing to see that support can come from other sources rather than Government!

2:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dream, you can believe what you want that won't change the fact that I am a professor. I know many young Americans (my students included) find it hard to believe that I don't tow the liberal line considering my profession.

Perhaps to clear up you supposition on the cause of wars it would best be stated that "wars are started due to greed OR bigotry." And while there is some truth to that statement it still does not relieve us from our duty to protect this country or stand up to tyranny and oppression.

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dream - multimedia design and programming, not that it has anything to do with this discussion. If you want to support action against North Korea and Syria then I'm with you, you'll have no disagreement from me.

11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dream - oh and I also taught music in public school for a time after college.

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dream, did you also teach ballet and tap dancing?

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A quick & dirty answer to the question regarding how the terrorist suspects gained ID's:
1) They were not fakes ID's, they were genuine
2) In several cases, the ID's were not obtained by providing doctored background information
3) The terrorists selected states with minimal to (almost) no in-depth background checks
4) The terrorists purchased the required information from illegal aliens who worked and resided in those states
5) The terrorists bought "documentation" proof from the aliens for cash
6) The terrorists submitted said documentation for identification
7) The terrorists received a valid state's identification card
I can not vouch for the accuracy of what is described above but it was discussed in a college course I attended this year (a source to follow up with was not provided when the opinion was presented).
Supposedly, Real ID is to reduce opportunites for this possibility.
But, it is okay to question Real ID: be sure you understand what it's really supposed to do & not just give in to the rhetoric supporters or detractors toss out because it has some very good benefits AND some unsettling side issues, as well.

11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see dream is on board with taking care of N. Korea and Syria now. I don't know what it took for you to finally have an epithany.

I'm curious to see what your criticism will be of how Bush will handle these issues.

For one, Bush is proposing multi-lateralism with N. Korea. He is trying to get everyone in the region to put pressure on N. Korea to end its pursuit of nukes. It may not work, but it's worth the effort in order to avoid having to send American troops over there to shoot that stupid haircut off that degenerate dictator.

Also, I think Iran is a more serious threat than Syria, and so far Bush has allowed the all intelligent and superior European's to lead this effort of diplomacy. Recently, discussions have come to a halt and the Europeans are running to the Americans to help solve the problem.

Bush is trying to involve the rest of the world, and what do his critics say, "Why aren't you engaged evil Bush?" "Give N. Korea whatever they want."

Don't forget. Clinton already gave N. Korea the know how to go Nuclear in return for a promise not to use their nuclear knowledge for weaponry. What do you know? The communist dictator was lying.

Oh well, give him more stuff, and maybe he will play nice this time. Sounds like a pipe dream.

6:32 PM  

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