Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Store Wars

From our friends at Free Range Graphics:

Meet the heroes of the Organic Rebellion: Cuke Skywalker, Ham Solo and Chewbroccoli. With guidance from wise old Obi Wan Cannoli, this small band of vegetable puppets (yes, vegetable puppets) is battling against Darth Tader, evil lord of the Dark Side of The Farm.

Can Cuke rescue Princess Lettuce and destroy the Death Melon in time? Or will he be seduced by the Dark Side, an empire of pollution and pesticides that has taken over the market with its arsenal of genetic engineering, irradiation and toxic chemicals?

Turn on your speakers and find out at

Unlike Star Wars, this battle isn't being fought in galaxy far, far away. It's happening right here, in our local grocery stores, every time we choose between organic and non-organic foods. You can learn more about why organics are better at

In the meantime, the Rebellion needs new recruits. So once you’ve watched the movie, please pass it along to your friends!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hans, I like organic fruit and Star Wars spoofs as much as the next guy but why don't you spend some time responding to our comments instead of posting content that has nothing to do with RTV's mission?

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, Hans has not once responded to the comments on his blog since this important debate began, choosing to hide behind his monitor instead of explaining his illogical arguments. While you and I disagree I do hold you in a higher regard than Mr. Riemer since you are so passionately behind your position that you defend it, Hans on the other hand would do well to re-read the poem he posted earlier... where is his voice? Why doesn't he stand up for his arguments and point out where the majority of those posting in his own blog are wrong?

As for the idea that privatizing SS is a threat I have yet to see any evidence to support that claim. The facts are on the side of private investments, including the economic data from those who stayed invested through the 2000-2002 downturn. The point of this argument has become less about letting young Americans take control over their future and more about advancing a socialist ideal. Why would you not support the youth of America controlling their own money and retirement? Do you and Hans believe we can't make those important decisions for ourselves? Do you strongly feel that we're better off because of government instead of the individual? If so, thats fine, its your opinion, but just come out and say it instead of trying to support a failed program that was never intended to perform under these circumstances.

The facts still remain that SS is going broke, spending is a major issue, less workers entering the workforce, longer lifespans and greater retirees are pushing SS to a critical failure and all you and Hans want to do is throw more money at the problem. If SS was a medical patient it would best be represented as a person with their legs cut off, profusely bleeding and instead of treating the wound while stabilizing the patient you just want to leave the problem area alone while administrating a continuous chain of blood transfusions. In the end you'll run out of blood to give the patient and they'll end up bleeding out.

To save SS you must fix the problem: the dependance on current workers and the economy, not to mention curbing overzealous politicians who have their greedy hands in the money jar, supporting the current retirees. Privatization does that, but will it cost money? Yes, but it will cost far more if we don't act now and finally wake up to this tragedy in the future when we run out of money to throw at the problem. The next step is to curb spending, even cutting it from the budget to make sure those who stay in the system along with current retirees continue to receive their checks. Thats how you fix SS, and although you believe the word is getting out more polls are finding that when the President's plan is explained to African-Americans and the youth of America the more they support privatizing SS.

10:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's organic and then there's natural.

The two terms are not necessarily the same thing.

Most food is organic, even when it contains all sorts of artificial stuff.

12:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurrah for anonymous who pointed out exactly what I wanted to say about "organic" food. The word "organic" is used erroneously so much these days ("I do not think they know what that word means...")

Regarding Social Security Reform, the stock market has ALWAYS earned money 7 out of every ten years -- INCLUDING the Great Depression. Any Fool (Motley Fool that is!) can check out the Motley Fool website and read about how the market works and the truth is plain as day. It's YOUR money and you should be allowed to invest it in any way YOU choose.

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have." -- Barry Goldwater

Youth for Private Accounts! Start LISTENING, RTV!

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ive addressed plenty on SS.
Id like to add two cents to this debate. I, like most people I believe, am a little scared by the idea of pesticides. Id prefer my food without them. However, (and this is a continuing problem for the socialist movement) is that OUR situation does not apply to EVERYONE. WE, as a nation of wealth have the luxury of eating pesticide free food. OTHER countries have to maximize food yield just to survive. Yet OUR countries "enviornmental activists"
demand pesticides be banned internationally.(The same way they did with DDT, which by the way, has allowed malaria rates to sky rocket killing millions more children per year then DDT ever did)

The same is applied to genetically modified foods. Im a little skiddish on frankenfoods. But the bottom line is, there is NO scientific evidence it is harmful.
Not so much as a stomach ache has occured from eating genetically modified food. Not one. Yet these socialist activists want to make the descision for EVERYONE.
Genetically modified grain is able to feed 10 times the people and can be fortified with vitamins like beta carotene so that little poor children dont go blind.
Then the left claims theyre looking out for the common good.
Really? the common good? Or just yours?

3:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found one post particularly funny. Notice that most of the pro privatization comments, although angry, arent demeaning. And more often than not contain data to back up their position.

Yet this second post here calls opposing (i.e. traditional libertarian thought) "tripe" and then fails to provide a single stat to back it up....hmmm. odd.

I also find it hilarious that the name is "imtheamericandream"
Ive got news for you, but the american dream, is a level playing field, where all have chance. Not a land of priveledge to the select on the backs of others.
Libertarianism, that tripe you spoke of, is what this country is founded on. THAT is the american dream.
But things change. so maybe the dream has to. Maybe your views are the american dream. But they seem more like an american nightmare,
and I want to wake up.

"the government that is big enough to give you everything is big enough to take everything away"

3:10 AM  

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