Thursday, June 02, 2005

Alright, this whole Social Security thing is starting to get interesting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hans, we've been telling you the same things on this blog for months and you're just now declaring this article the beginning of an interesting debate on Social Security?

I'm more interested in reading your response to that article than a quick one line post. Please elaborate...

11:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, here' s a thought- if I tried to run Social Security out of my garage, would I get arrested?


2:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not if you had a Democrat with you.

3:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I let him in on a piece of the action.

Rock the Vote, why don't you and MTV just drop this whole non-partisan thing. We KNOW you're left liberals. It's obvious that you're advocating issues. Why do you continue to insult the intelligence of America's youth.

3:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With freedom comes responsibility! I think that the idiots who believe that SS will be there for them when they need it should stay in the program. Those of us who know better should have the freedom to take every penny of the SS deductions taken from our money and invest it the way we see fit. I want that responsibility! If I mess it up, it was my choices that lead me to where I am.

This is freedom!

The politicians who want to keep SS the way it is want power over your life! The civilians who want to keep SS the way it is are terrified of freedom. Those who realize that SS can be reformed to give people the choice to remain in the existing plan or to invest personally and still oppose it... Well, they are the ones who hate me for choosing to 1. stay off drugs 2. not get anyone pregnant 3. study something to learn marketable skills 4. learn to speak like a respectable person 5. escape the ghetto I grew up in

End of Story. Any Questions?

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. stay off drugs 2. not get anyone pregnant 3. study something to learn marketable skills 4. learn to speak like a respectable person 5. escape the ghetto I grew up in

But RichardBronosky, we have to protect the culture by suppling government cheese, food stamps, and a free retirement plan to the people that disregard these five things you've listed. The USA just wouldn't be the USA without a certain number of these kinds of people. We should encourage the continued diversity of our country with the forementioned and the like social programs. What kind of country would we be if we forced people to work for a living and suffer the consequences of their actions? We can use the infrequent exceptions of where people were truely just unlucky to help justify giving handouts to the freeloading or freeloading breeder types. After all the Government is suppose to double as a charity anyway. Isn't it?

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All am trying to say is that Democracy is about majority rule and equality, but the Democratic Party is about obtaining privilages and advantages for the minority. What's up with that?

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democratic Party doesn't give a damn about minorities, the middle class, or anyone else for that matter. They just want their own power, and they do so through big government taxation schemes such as Social Security. Then, when someone proposes changing the system, they set off the alarms and scare the crap out of everyone (much like Hans does) about "BENEFIT CUTS" and "OH MY GOD THEY ARE GOING TO TAKE YOUR MONEY". Then, the naive uninformed voter supports them, thinking they are on their side- while in reality, the Democratic Party is only about itself and its own power.

The Democratic Party is a party of political prostitutes who will play any card, demagogue any issue, scare any person, and tax anyone and anything for sake of their own political gain. It's that simple. Take this from a former Democrat who had enough of this "we CARE FOR YOU!" nonsense.

If they TRULY cared, they'd be proposing a fair Social Security solution right now, one that doesn't just keep the pathetic status quo system in place- one that IMPROVES the situation for those of us in the youth. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party uses us just like they use minorities (and I'm a minority too)- taking us for granted.

4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Students for Saving Social Security

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nathan, the answer is yes. That is the main reason SS won't get privitized since the basic format is already illegal except if you are above the rules like SS.

2:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still maintain that you could run a Social Security like program out of a garage, and not get arrested as long as you had a Democrat with you.

All he'd have to do is launch a pathetic diatribe about how he is 'doing it for the people' and how he is 'insuring and securing the American worker', and the authorities would easily buy it.

2:32 PM  

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