Monday, June 27, 2005

Rehnquist Resigning?

Yesterday the Supreme Court issued its last decisions before its summer recess. The decisions were about displaying the Ten Commandments, file sharing, the reporters who published the identity of a CIA agent, and the cable industries control of broadband lines.

Now that the Supreme Court is done hearing cases, everyone is watching and waiting to see if chief justice William Rehnquist will resign. Experts think Rehnquist will not resign, but there are many signs that this summer is the right time. Rehnquist, who will turn 81 in October, has been showing signs of ailing health after being diagnosed with Thyroid cancer last October. With Republicans holding majorities in the House and Senate and the Presidency, Rehnquist would be guaranteed a conservative replacement. But, even with a conservative replacement, the Supreme Court's positions will change. The confirmation hearing would bring back the possibility of the ‘nuclear option’ and test the coalition of 14 Senators that worked out the compromise for Bush’s previous judicial nominees. With the 2006 elections a year and a half away, would the White House be under pressure to put forward a more moderate candidate? Some experts say the Senate will be in play...

Posted By Sam Buffone, RTV Intern


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