Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Welcome all friends of Talking Points Memo. Looking forward to what you can turn up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talking Points Memo, eh?

Once again, Rock the Vote shows what a farce the "nonpartisan" label really is.

Why don't you just invite Daily Kos and MoveOn.org over too while you're at it? Hippies always flock together, you might as well bring them all in here, because nobody else is going to buy your incoherent argument on Social Security.

By the way, Hans, you still haven't presented your solution to Social Security. Why not make a post and present your plan? Stop citing other people's partisan trash, and present some of your own!

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww, he needed back up.

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"By the way, Hans, you still haven't presented your solution to Social Security. Why not make a post and present your plan?"

Yeah, and fuck that Thomas Paine guy too. I mean, it's easy to rip on the tyranny of the King of England, but what's his great idea for running a country? When will he present his outline for a government, complete with financial estimates and a listing of the rights and responsibilities of the citizens. I mean, come on! All that sanctimonious Paine guy writes is just whining and bitching about a guy who was legitimately recognized to be the ruler of these lands!

Here's another question: how in God's name do you think it's the job of the guy who writes the Rock the Vote blog to form a Social Security plan? All he has to do is point out how incredibly stupid Bush's idea for privatization is compared to even the status quo.

These are the stupidest trolls I've seen since Hesiod went into retirement.

7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you "actual liberal" for pointing out the modern liberal movement at its finest:

All he has to do is point out how incredibly stupid Bush's idea for privatization is compared to even the status quo.

EXACTLY. This is EXACTLY what you liberals have come down to, and it's exactly why I stopped supporting you guys last year. You complain, whine, b*tch, and bomb-throw like hell about every policy initiative the President comes out with- and then, you fail to present your own alternative! This holds true in all sorts of policy, and you know it.

It's disgusting, and disingenuous. You people are so obsessed with keeping political power and obtaining more, that you'll complain and demagogue instead of bothering to come up with solutions to our problems.

Hell, Robert Rubin even told everyone in your party that they're better off NOT presenting a Social Security plan, because it's POLITICALLY BETTER for Democrats to just whine! How incredibly disgusting.

If Hans Reimer is going to complain- if the likes of you are going to complain- you better back up your so-called credibility by presenting your own solution. If your solution is the current system (in which case, wow!), then present your argument as to why this current system is better than reform.

You guys don't do that. Instead, you throw bombs, like calling people the "stupidest trolls" you've ever seen, etc. You epitomize the modern liberal movement with such behavior. It is really unfortunate what you've done to yourselves.

Present a plan, or defend the current system coherently, or just give it up. You and Hans both lack credibility until you can do that.

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hans has a plan, its called taxation.

10:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed. That is all I've seen from him so far.

But you know what, Hans? I'm going to give you a chance. Unlike "Actual Liberal" over there, who wants to throw vitriol at all of his opponents without actually discussing policy, I'm going to keep an open mind. I support the President's plan, because he's presented a plan. I also like the opportunities it presents, and the fact that it will keep our taxes down.

But I'm a fair person. So I'm going to present to you a question- why should I support you (and RTV)'s line on Social Security? No- don't answer that with all sorts of anti-Bush or anti-Bush plan demagoguery. I want POSITIVES. I want to know why YOUR plan is GOOD for me.

I don't want to know about why you think the Bush plan would be bad for me, I want to know what's so good about YOUR plan. I want YOU to tell ME, why I, as a 22 year old student just entering the workforce- one who retires after 2041- should support your plan for Social Security.

I'm sure many others are curious as well, and I'm sure some of us are willing to be open-minded if you stop the demagoguery and attacks, and stick to positives and a PLAN. So go ahead, show me your plan- show me why it's good for me, and show me why I, as a young American, would be better off under YOUR plan than the President's plan.

Shouldn't be a difficult proposition. I hope you're willing to take me up on it.

1:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen! Why should I support the status quo when any change at all seems to be more to my and my generation's benefit?

2:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say Rock The Vote has been a thorn in the side of anyone. More of a consistent and easy target to make fun of.

10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like how it's the automatic assumption of the left that no one could possibly be protesting Rock the Vote because they genuinely oppose Rock the Vote's position on social security, and actually believe the ideas that they themselves are advocating. No, all who criticize Rock the Vote and/or advocate social security reform must be mindless corporate shills - the puppets of shadowy front organizations.

Believe it or not, there are actually plenty of people out there not too different from you who are willing to commit their time, effort and their own money to make political statements which happen to be at odds with your own political ideology.

Questioning our motives is not only a silly ad hominem attack, it is factually incorrect. I don't really know who's organizing Rock the Hypocrisy, but I support their position in this debate and plan to show up for the protest with some friends, all of whom will be coming at their own expense, on their own time, and because they have similar feelings about Rock the Vote and/or social security reform.

10:46 AM  
Blogger Kevin said...

I wouldn't say Rock The Vote has been a thorn in the side of anyone. More of a consistent and easy target to make fun of.

Well said, Will.

It's a must read if you need a good laugh at 2 o'clock in the morning.

7:33 PM  

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