Monday, July 18, 2005

New York Times Takes On Your College President

Check out the New York Times editorial that chastizes the Washington college groups (largely controlled by college presidents) for "shilling" for the loan industry and failing to advocate in the best interests of students and would-be students.

The specific charge is that schools are failing to support a bill that would provide billions more for college aid because it would create new choices (for schools) that might threaten the often cosy relationship they have with lenders.

Right now schools can work with lenders to get a big kick back for making the federal loans direcltly and then selling them off to a lender. Under the STAR Act (pdf), schools who use the cheaper Direct Loan program would have the savings passed on to students. Pretty clear choice: Kickback to schools or kickback to students (and some for deficit reduction because it is taxpayers money).

Students are one oneside with bipartisan sponsors for their bill. Lenders and schools are on the other.

I am outraged that college presidents are increasingly looking out for their own self interest rather than the broader public interest. Indeed they have been busy recently praising the House version of the Higher Education Act because it provides them some regulatory relief and haven't joined with student organizations that oppose the bill because it actually will make it harder to go to college.

Look, this is Washington and these college presidents gotta do what they gotta do. The squeeze is on for higher education and college presidents get to decide who gets in to the life boat first.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real problem is that there is a government program for handing out money for college at all. It allows colleges to demand ever more for tuition and thus creates student dependency on the government. But of course, students wouldn't want to give up their govt. program because everyone else (like seniors) has theirs too. The reality is that we should just eliminate tons of govt programs like social security and subsidized college loans so that everyone would save enough in taxes that they could pay for their own stuff.

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can colleges stand side by side with the banks as their own students are falling deeper and deeper into debt? We need colleges working with students to make college more affordable, not just looking out for some skewed sense of self interest.

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you start handing out *your* money in order to work with students to make college more affordable?

10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noid-get over it, some social goods need to be centrally organized in order to ensure access beyond the richest portion of society. Federal programs are not de facto wrong or de facto corrupt. Student loans reflect the desire of people to support and encourage an educated populace.

The bottom line is that colleges are siding with the banks and not students-that is screwed up.

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noid-get over it, some social goods need to be centrally organized in order to ensure access beyond the richest portion of society. Federal programs are not de facto wrong or de facto corrupt. Student loans reflect the desire of people to support and encourage an educated populace.

The bottom line is that colleges are siding with the banks and not students-that is screwed up.

If people so desire to support and encourage an educated populace, then absent the status quo's corrupt and manipulative federal student loan subsidies, family and charity would provide for student needs far better.

Even with the oppresive taxes that the federal government levies, there are billions of dollars of private scholarship monies that go unclaimed every year. We are a very generous country and would be even more so were it not for our federal government's subsidies. And such charity probably wouldn't require that you sign up for involuntary military service or effectively make you ineligible for a quality education just for trying pot.

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

noid said:
"If people so desire to support and encourage an educated populace, then absent the status quo's corrupt and manipulative federal student loan subsidies, family and charity would provide for student needs far better.

Even with the oppresive taxes that the federal government levies, there are billions of dollars of private scholarship monies that go unclaimed every year. We are a very generous country and would be even more so were it not for our federal government's subsidies. And such charity probably wouldn't require that you sign up for involuntary military service or effectively make you ineligible for a quality education just for trying pot. "

noid, your vitriolic rants against the government are clouding your judgement. Government is how people effectively organize themselves to support public goods. This collective action is more effective than people making individual contributions. Government isn't bad just because you don't like it.

You should stop reading "Best of Badnarik" and read a little Mill, you might learn something.

Oh and be careful about appealing too much to family and charity-you're starting to sound like a "family-values conservative."

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

noid, your vitriolic rants against the government are clouding your judgement. Government is how people effectively organize themselves to support public goods. This collective action is more effective than people making individual contributions. Government isn't bad just because you don't like it.

*Our* federal government is how we are supposed to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity. Yes, I'm sure I read that somewhere. It's not for handing out money to every dumbass claiming to need money for purchasing luxury services. I could ask you to go read the 10th amendment and then tell me where in the constitution college loan subsidies are constitutionally authorized but people of your ilk don't care about constitutionality of anything, just your own special interests. But following the U.S. constitution isn't just the law, it's also a good idea. In other words, the simple fact is, handling college subsidies throught voluntary organizations, charity and family is simply a *better* way to do it. Take this case in particular. In order to prevent bank and university corruption in this particular case of government corruption, tons of people are gonna have to write letters to apathetic congressmen and generally make a pest of themselves on bboards both now and on election day when they'll have to remember when and where to vote and whether to unelect their congressman for it, all of which might be pointless if the other candidate(s) are also willing to sell out too. Since the banks probably stand to make millions on this particular corruption, they'll be way more able to spend time and money encouraging corruption then you'll be able to in opposing it. Welcome to special interest politics. Were this a private charity, all you'd have to do is send your check elsewhere. And forming private support groups has never been easier thanks to the internet.

Also, I don't necessarily hate government just the big, corrupt and lawless kind that you seem to love.

You should stop reading "Best of Badnarik" and read a little Mill, you might learn something.

Oh and be careful about appealing too much to family and charity-you're starting to sound like a "family-values conservative."

Huh? If family and charity aren't institutions that you value, perhaps that explains your mental dysfunction. Did mommy not love you? Or maybe she loved you too much :-D

An if you're referring to John Stuart Mill, then that might explain your total contempt for individual rights and dignity.

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Key Democrats Supported Social Security Accounts in 2001
The Hyde Park Declaration set goal for creation by 2010.

DLC | Key Document | August 1, 2000

The Hyde Park Declaration: A Statement of Principles and a Policy Agenda for the 21st Century

Full Document :

We believe in shifting the focus of America's anti-poverty and social insurance programs from transferring wealth to creating wealth.

5. Balance America's Commitments to the Young and the Old
An ever-growing share of the federal budget today consists of automatic transfers from working Americans to retirees. Moreover, the costs of the big entitlements for the elderly -- Social Security and Medicare -- are growing at rates that will eventually bankrupt them and that could leave little to pay for everything else government does. We can't just spend our way out of the problem; we must find a way to contain future costs. The federal government already spends seven times as much on the elderly as it does on children. To allow that ratio to grow even more imbalanced would be grossly unfair to today's workers and future generations.
In addition, Social Security and Medicare need to be modernized to reflect conditions not envisioned when they were created in the 1930s and the 1960s. Social Security, for example, needs a stronger basic benefit to bolster its critical role in reducing poverty in old age. Medicare needs to offer retirees more choices and a modern benefit package that includes prescription drugs. Such changes, however, will only add to the cost of the programs unless they are accompanied by structural reforms that restrain their growth and limit their claim on the working families whose taxes support the programs.

Goals for 2010

• Honor our commitment to seniors by ensuring the future solvency of Social Security and Medicare.
• Make structural reforms in Social Security and Medicare that slow their future cost growth, modernize benefits (including a prescription drug benefit for Medicare), and give beneficiaries more choice and control over their retirement and health security.
• Create Retirement Savings Accounts to enable low-income Americans to save for their own retirement.

Signatories include:
Evan Bayh, United States Senator, Indiana
John Breaux, United States Senator, Louisiana
Lee Brown, Mayor, Houston, Texas
Bob Buckhorn, City Councilman, Tampa, Fla.
Tom Burroughs, State Representative, Kansas
Kevin Cahill, State Assemblyman, New York
Ken Cheuvront, State Representative, Arizona
Michael Coleman, Mayor, Columbus, Ohio
Pat Colwell, State Representative, Maine
Kathleen Connell, State Controller, California
Marti Crow, State Representative, Kansas
Donald T. Cunningham Jr., Mayor, Bethlehem, Pa.
Wayne Curry, County Executive, Prince George's County, Md.
Jim Davis, United States Representative, Florida
Dan DeMarco, Commissioner of Ross Township, Pennsylvania
Dana Lee Dembrow, State Delegate, Maryland
Calvin Dooley, United States Representative, California
Douglas M. Duncan, County Executive, Montgomery County, Md.
John A. Fritchey, State Representative, Illinois
Jeff Gombosky, State Representative, Washington
Ron Gonzales, Mayor, San Jose, California
James S. Gregory, City Councilman, Bethlehem, Pa.
Daniel Grossman, State Representative, Colorado
Lars A. Hafner, State House Democratic Caucus Chairman, Florida
Bob Hagedorn, State Representative, Colorado
Karen Hale, State Senator, Utah
Robert Henriquez, State Representative, Florida
Scott N. Howell, State Senate Democratic Leader, Utah
Sam Hoyt, State Assemblyman, New York
Calvin Johnson, State Representative, Arkansas
Paula F. Julander, State Senate Minority Whip, Utah
Ember Reichgott Junge, State Senate Assistant Majority Leader, Minnesota
Delores G. Kelley, State Senator, Maryland
John F. Kerry, United States Senator, Massachusetts
Kwame Kilpatrick, State Representative, Michigan
Mary Landrieu, United States Senator, Louisiana
Thomas Lazieh, City Councilman, Central Falls, R.I.
Joseph Lieberman, United States Senator, Connecticut
Blanche Lambert Lincoln, United States Senator, Arkansas
Duane E. Little, Assessor, Shoshone County, Idaho
Dannel P. Malloy, Mayor, Stamford, Conn.
Jennifer Mann, State Representative, Pennsylvania
Jack Markell, State Treasurer, Delaware
Stan Matsunaka, State Senator, Colorado
Jonathan Miller, State Treasurer, Kentucky
Tom Miller, State Attorney General, Iowa
Bobby Moak, State Representative, Mississippi
James P. Moran Jr., United States Representative, Virginia
Eva Moskowitz, City Council Member, New York
Ed Murray, State Representative, Washington
Janet Napolitano, Attorney General, Arizona
Martin O'Malley, Mayor, Baltimore, Md.
Marc R. Pacheco, State Senator, Massachusetts
John D. Porcari, State Secretary of Transportation, Maryland
David Quall, State Representative, Washington
Joe Rice, Mayor, Glendale, Colo.
John Riggs IV, State Senator, Arkansas
Antonio R. Riley, State Representative, Wisconsin
Stacy Ritter, State Representative, Florida
Charles Robb, United States Senator, Virginia
Carroll G. Robinson, City Councilman, Houston, Texas
Tim Roemer, United States Representative, Indiana
Linda J. Scheid, State Senator, Minnesota
Allyson Schwartz, State Senator, Pennsylvania
Kathleen Sebelius, State Insurance Commissioner, Kansas
Eleanor Sobel, State Representative, Florida
Ellen O. Tauscher, United States Representative, California
Michael L. Thurmond, State Labor Commissioner, Georgia
Tom Vilsack, Governor, Iowa
Kirk Watson, Mayor, Austin, Texas
J.D. Williams, State Controller, Idaho
Philip Wise, State Representative, Iowa
Jane Wood, State Representative, New Hampshire

2:25 PM  
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6:04 PM  

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