Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Rolling Stones are sure to provoke some debate with this one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Think this website is pretty cool I really do. Keep up the god work.

7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps a wiki refresh on the term neo-con is in order before listening to what Jagger thinks the term means:

Neoconservatism in the United States

12:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to all the ANTI-WAR people of the 60's???? I still believe in PEACE! Where are the people like me who protested war? It seems like today there all for war & making money. Where did we go wrong? Not just Bush, But cutting social Security & medicare while giving the rich tax breaks. Don't get me wrong I believe the biggest threat to WORLD PEACE is G.W.BUSH!!!

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to all the ANTI-WAR people of the 60's???? I still believe in PEACE! Where are the people like me who protested war? It seems like today there all for war & making money. Where did we go wrong? Not just Bush, But cutting social Security & medicare while giving the rich tax breaks. Don't get me wrong I believe the biggest threat to WORLD PEACE is G.W.BUSH!!!

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You believe in peace, but at what cost?

Most people from the 60's who don't live in the buble of the elite grew up and realized that in a capitalistic society you don't get very far by declaring your boss an evil rich person hell bent to screw the little guy. Then over time they became the boss and realized they really didn't know everything in the days of their youth, and making money and creating jobs and opprtunity isn't evil, its America.

As for Anti-war, if you wish to oppose war thats fine, a noble cause, but if you oppose war just beacuse its war then you are a fool, and by you're own account an old fool. Someone who believes that in this world everything can be resolved through talking and discussion really doesn't have a clue as to the mind set of those who wish to kill us, all of us, including you, just because we're Americans.

Oh, and in case you didn't get the memo those tax cuts have boosted this economy into high gear... amazing what happens when you take the boot off of the throat of those who create jobs in this country.

11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, the economy isn't exactly in "high gear" right now and even if it were, I doubt Bush could rightly take much credit for it. After all, there are more federal regulations than ever before despite republican majority control for 5 years and the tax cuts Bush implemented came largely at the expense of the tax code simplifications Reagan helped enact in 1986. All this seems to me to be a pretty pathetic record for a supposedly "small govt" party with 5 year majority control of the legislative and executive branches of govt.

12:07 AM  

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