Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Check out Anya Kamanetz' blog. She wrote a bad piece on us during the election but we've forgiven her since, as she is spot on with most everything else! Her focus: the freaked-up economics of being young today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


The economics of being young today are rather difficult; especially when your govt. forces you to pay one out of every eight dollars you earn into a structurally flawed, 19th century, socialist, retirement ponzi scheme...

...then again, you wouln't know anything about that, would you, Crock the Vote!

12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why, being able to invest a small portion of your payroll taxes in a conservative mix of bonds and stocks might help Americans under 30 begin to save and reverse that economic situation, don't you think Crock the Vote?

Oh wait, I forgot that Crock the Vote was only interested in increasing Government Dependency...

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Addressing these questions, it's important to remember that these are values questions before anything else.

The real question is, as Americans, do we value economic freedom, opportunity, and choice; or do we value govenment dependency.

Obviously, Crock the Vote is a big part of that pro-government dependency crowd.

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I value economic freedom, opportunity, and choice. I also realize that for the vast majority, those luxuries can only exist in conjunction with government policies that help people plan for the future and protect what they have now.

Every single person in this country depends on the government in some way, whether we like it or not. I'm glad there are still some supportive public programs left (underfunded and crippled as they may be), because as you and others continually illustrate by your comments here, we can't all count on each other.

The economics of being young today suck because of the costs of housing, health care, education, and transportation. Let's talk about improving those things, and not how Rock the Vote sucks.

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's right r. edgar.

In the last Congress, there was a bill that passed the House to create a national market for Health insurance (ie. you can purchase HI in any state).

Unfortunately, the Dems filibustered that bill to death in the Senate. I don't know why. The only reasons I can come up with are, either:

1) Dems are in the pockets of govt. bureaucrats. This would have been a direct threat to that consituency.

2) If people saw that removing govt. from Health Care provision produced better coverage at lower costs, they would never go for a massive, Hillary-style, Socialist Health Care Monster.

2a) I thought we already learned that lesson in 1994.

12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prez also spoke about this very topic today.

2:05 AM  

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