Friday, August 26, 2005

This Just In

Remember USA Next? They're the organization that supported the Bush administrations Social Security plan the first time around. And they were also responsible for this infamous ad.

They're currently fighting a $25 million lawsuit from the couple featured (without their permission) in the ad. But today's news concerns another lawsuit in which USA Next just experienced a little bit of a setback.

In a unanimous decision yesterday a three judge panel on the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Virginia upheld a $500,000 fine against USA Next for sending misleading mailers to seniors.

The mailings considered by the court were designed to appear as urgent letters from the Social Security Administration.
They were not unlike many other disguised mailings received by senior citizens that appear to be from the government.

In a unanimous decision, yesterday, the three judges upheld a $554,196 fine against United Seniors Association Inc
The judges rejected USA's argument that laws against deceptive communications using the name of Social Security did not apply to the envelope. The court answered, "once a recipient of a misleading envelope opens the envelope and begins reading its contents, the deceptive `communication' has served its purpose."

You can read the full decision here. (PDF Format)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

by all means, one persons misleading ad, is representative of an entire segments opposition to your words.

5:44 PM  
Blogger watbull said...

Misleading tactics. Hmmmm... Isn't that kind of like what Rock the Vote did during the 2004 Presidential election season? You know... when RTV blatently informeed the youth of America about the impending draft, should GWB be re-elected? What was the purpose of that? It couldn't have been to scare them into voting Democrat, could it? Naaaw... RTV would never do such a thing, right?

Fact is... RTV did do exactly that. And, for the record, that's called fear-mongering and... oh, yes!... misleading tactics.

Rock the Vote and its president, Jehmu Greene, are obvioulsy tightly affiliated with Robert Muller, a leftist entrepreneur and owner of The Alliance for Security. That's because RTV redirected the young people to Muller's site through the phony draft registration card that was posted at RTV throughout the
'04 election season.

WTG, Rock the Vote.... morons. What's it been now since the 2004 election? About 218 days? Where's the draft?

Rock the Vote: non-partisan? Yeah, right. MTV and RTV were simply attempting to scare the more ignorant sections of the youth of America. Fortunately, most of today's youth are smarter than when I was a youth.

8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOR GOD'S SAKE UPDATE YOUR WEBSITE! Under the section "12 Reasons Why Privatizing Social Security is a Bad Idea", you link to a voter info page at Harvard University.

THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING RELATED TO SOCIAL SECURITY! I see links to news networks, school sites, political parties, but NOTHING about social security, "privatization", or these alleged 12 reasons you claim to have.

Come on guys. I know its just Hans and Theath hanging out in a tiny DC office plotting to destroy our futures, but pleeease pay some attention to your site and stop misleading readers with crap about 12 reasons that don't exist.

11:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

Am I the only one who thinks that RTV is getting a little desperate??? Why are they diverting a Social Security debate into a gay marriage debate?

As for misleading tactics, besides the draft nonsense let's also remember that every single argument RTV has ever presented on this subject relies on the canard that some sort of Social Security trust fund exists. Unfortunately, Congress raided that a long time ago.

Finally, why are you guys so obsessed with defending the AARP??? Those people certainly do not represent Americans Under 30, who support Voluntary Personal Retirement Accounts by a 2 to 1 margin! Could it be that the AARP helps pay your salaries??? Why else would you help defend an orgainzation that sells investment plans which Voluntary PRA's would compete with?

12:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, another day, another blog full of comments bashing Rock the Vote on Social Security. You'd almost think this blog was an anti-RTV blog. I guess you have to at least respect RTV for keeping this blog up despite getting consistently and thoroughly trashed.

Where's Hans by the way?

2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to Heath:

Gay marriage has nothing to do with Social Security.

This is almost as ridiculous as if I posted NARAL's ridiculous ad about how John Roberts apparently supported abortion clinic bombings (a lie, mind you, that shredded part) as some sort of argument against Rock the Vote's position on Social Security.

You are a fool, Theath. I find it appalling that Rock the Vote has resorted to such low means as having a demagogue like you post totally ridiculous material as reasoning for their anti-reform agenda. Incredible. Simply incredible.

3:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hans is hiding like the pussy he is!!!

Are you kidding me? I miss Hans. As much of a blindly partisan nut as he was, at least he sometimes presented an argument.

Theath, on the other hand, prefers to run around like a liberal chicken with his head cut off. Using gay marriage as an argument against Social Security. AMAZING!

3:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, another day, another blog full of comments bashing Rock the Vote on Social Security. You'd almost think this blog was an anti-RTV blog. I guess you have to at least respect RTV for keeping this blog up despite getting consistently and thoroughly trashed.

Well, at least this way they can control the comments if they get out of hand. If they had deleted things or disabled comments, RTV would be getting thoroughly trashed all across the Internet instead.

Especially now that they have Theath , aka "Gay marriage = Social Security" running around. I mean really, are they TRYING to make a laughingstock out of themselves?

3:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, does anything happen in this country besides SS? Wait, I'm pretty sure that it does. Let's address something else.

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm. Good idea, RTV; maybe America's youth should bring a lawsuit against you for misleading our generation. Thanks for the suggestion.

If you want to be partisan, THAT'S FINE: just don't claim to represent all of us. Bash Bush all you want, but don't say you represent our age group.

I'm 21 years old, and you sure as hell don't represent my viewpoint.

11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, does anything happen in this country besides SS? Wait, I'm pretty sure that it does. Let's address something else.

Yeah, like gay marriage! Oh wait, that apparently has something to do with Social Security too. At least, according to Theath.

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am saddened by what is happening to Rock The Vote, what was once a legit and important group has denigrated itself into partisanship and has become the laughingstock of Washington.

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Whoever brought up GM originally, the fact that you re-introduced the idea when it everybody had forgotten about it for six months is pathetic!!!

Furthermore, most of the posts have dealt with the hilarious irony of Crock the Vote whining about misleading tactics. It's been a year since the election, and NO DRAFT!!! Repeat: NO DRAFT!!!

You people have shredded your own credibility. It doesn't help that you're shills for the AARP.

As for Hans, if he's smart, he'll stay on vacation.

Theath, I suggest you join him. You two hacks deserve each other!!!

6:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for engaging in discussion. Can you explain how RTV came to the conclusion not to support personal accounts when 2/3 of young people support them?

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I wasn't the one to equate SSM with Social Security. USA Next did that with their ad.

Hans is on vacation.

Get real, junior. USA Next's ad was specifically against AARP's stance towards the war on terror and gay marriage. It had nothing to do with Social Security. It is true that USANext also opposes AARP's ridiculous stance towards Social Security, but that ad you displayed had nothing to do with it. You're trying to create a connection where none exists, and then you're trying to pin it on USANext.

Absolutely disingenuous.

7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


How much do they pay you to write this stuff? It must be a lot. Do you teach a creative writing class?

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

theath? Theath? Where are you?

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What did you make of Bernie Sanders comments and the new republics?

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rock the Vote should be fined billions for its obstruction of necessary reform. Shameful. Just shameful.

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Homophobes? Socialists? To be honest, I'm not sure which is worse.

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about liars?

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You commentors are completely missing the point that USANext was found guilty for sending misleading mail to seniors. There was no equating GM with SS in the posting at all. You need to open your eyes and read and not be so hateful. Be true Christians.

--Republican Hack.

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is very clear that Theath brought up the AARP ad in reference to USANext in the context of it being a pro-Social Security reform group. Read his first paragraph, guy.

Secondly, RTV should not be attacking other groups for misleading material, when they themselves touted a fake DRAFT CARD in the 2004 election in an effort to scare people into thinking a draft was coming back.

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the advertisement didn't directly relate to SS, but as I recall it came out around the time that the debate was intense and I think USANext had been battling about SS as well. So perhaps a lot of people talk about the two issues hand-in-hand.

I personally feel sorry for the people in the pictures. That's pretty angering to have distributed across the country.

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:05 PM  

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