Monday, December 05, 2005

Do you have health insurance? You should. MTV/Think has a great piece explaining nuts-and-bolts of health insurance and how you can get it even if you don't have it.

Read Rock the Vote's own section for more info on the health care crisis that affects young people and what you can do about it, too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now this is a noble cause, helping young people realize that we are not invincible and really should get insurance in the event something does happen.

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the problems kids have is that their parents drop them off their policy when going to college. If you have little medical history, insurance isn't expensive. There are many free services on the net for comparing insurance. Here is one:

I am trying to provide a free resource for people who are without insurance. This should help. Thanks!

9:35 AM  

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